I still feel that playing desperado and cram the third datasucker is probably the best choice. The reason behind that is because you really don’t want to burn a smc or a test run to play your datasucker. Having 3 datasucker will assure you to have one in hand (and by extension on the board) much faster. This will suck against CI but will give much more consistence against everything else.
i was playing PAD deck shaper a lot lately, and for me having two parasites is essential. once first parasite hit archives no SMC is working in my favour and i feel it’s a dead draw. i strongly recommend playing on two parasites and three datasuckers.
whats your gameplan with single parasite here? this deck for me is mostly for parasite/femme recursion with very nice economy and atman as a joker that breaks that last ice.
I’ve really been enjoying playing the original build of this deck. How would you say this new version plays differently, especially with respect to the inclusion of Femme, Inti and Sharpshooter and removal of Knight and Pipeline?
i actually play with 3 test run and 3 SMC, here is the build:
voicepad katman
Kate “Mac” McCaffrey: Digital Tinker (Core Set)
Event (22)
3x Diesel (Core Set)
3x Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control)
1x Escher (Creation and Control)
2x Indexing (Future Proof)
1x Levy AR Lab Access (Creation and Control)
3x Lucky Find (Double Time) ••••• •
2x Quality Time (Humanity’s Shadow)
1x Stimhack (Core Set) •
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
3x Test Run (Cyber Exodus)
Hardware (8)
2x Akamatsu Mem Chip (Core Set)
3x Clone Chip (Creation and Control)
3x Prepaid VoicePAD (Second Thoughts)
Resource (1)
1x Same Old Thing (Creation and Control)
Icebreaker (6)
2x Atman (Creation and Control)
1x Deus X (A Study in Static)
1x Femme Fatale (Core Set) •
1x Inti (Creation and Control)
1x Sharpshooter (True Colors)
Program (8)
3x Datasucker (Core Set) •••
2x Parasite (Core Set) ••••
3x Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control)
15 influence spent (max 15)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Double Time
Not playing Plascrete is ballsy. I tried without and as other players said, you’re not really immune to a snare/false lead/scorch or a double punitive counterstrike.
One test run, eventually one SMC. In my version, I played 46 cards because I didn’t want to remove a SMC and it worked well for me both on OCTGN, in my FLGS and on the last tournament I went. The game I lost was on a mistake from my part (I was dominating the game) and a shitty draw without any econs on my last table.
I like this deck, but is Econ ever an issue? There seems to be no sustained Econ. I know you generally get the PADs out and they pay for events, but you need money for Atmans and breaking subs, and with only 8-9 burst econ cards, I’m wondering if Econ issues arise often enough to be a legitimate problem (even with LARLA).
i’m happy with eco in this deck, its very stable id say. for sure u need to mulligan for eco. it all depends on matchup too, sometimes u need to slow down and build the bank instead of rushing all the way. i like calling it ‘running windows’ as opposite to ‘scoring windows’ in corps game
PAD, Suckers, even Kate (aon the Corp’s turn with SMC/Clone, as well) are part of the Econ package. Those all complement the burst Econ, leading to a compact, quick hitter. LARLA just makes the mid-to-late game harder for the corp, and doubles as damage defense.
I tried out my own version of PrePaid Kate yesterday on stream with GeneStealers. It was a blast to play and did pretty well. The highlight was Test Running an Inti for insane value,
Sly, awesome. Good to hear! I remember seeing Prepaid and Lucky Find, and thought, “Hey, I can do PAD/Gamble/Find first turn out of Kate!”. That goofiness led to this.
Honestly, I’d rather play Prepaid out of Kate or CT, but I think it’s going to do really well with Express. He gets 17 INF., as well, to bring in those Indexing and TME, if needed.
@Larro: I’ve been trying out Spags’ version of this deck, and in my games with it, I’ve never had money problems at all. In some of my test games against my friend’s big money Weyland, I actually had a lot more money than him from midgame on. The main reason he was behind on money was because he spent a lot of credits rezzing ICE which I easily trashed with Parasites and Hadrian’s Wall that I bypassed with Femme. Running as cheaply as possible is what you want… bypassing big stuff with Femme, Parasiting away Rototurrets, using Sharpshooter and Deus X at just the right times. Atman and Knight are just troubleshooters for tricky, problem ICE.
I REALLY like this deck archetype. I’ve been searching for a faster Shaper style and I think this might be the answer. I think what you’re missing is that the card this deck revolves around is the Prepaid VoicePAD. It’s the recurring event credits that make this thing work! There’s a great synergy here: Kate reduces the Prepaid VoicePAD to 1 credit, which grants you a recurring credit for events, which discounts the Lucky Finds, Dirty Laundrys, and Sure Gambles. This deck probably wouldn’t work with Kati or Opus… All you want is burst Econ for those “run windows.” I also don’t think this would work with any other ID but Kate.
Anyway, this is a great deck!
EDIT: Wanted to add that so far I have about a 60% win rate with this deck against Weyland and Haas…
Also, Tenma might be able to utilize this successfully, but not as well as Kate can! : )
Loved the game, though I must say I would have played it very differently
I don’t care for VoicePAD outside of Kate. Installing for 1c is fantastic and I can’t imagine giving it up.
Ken Tenma will be very interesting. He can go blitz or with VoicePAD he could potentially turn into a more mid to lategame oriented runner. I think a lot of people won’t play him properly though and cram a ton of run events rather than incorporating events you would want in your deck anyways.
Yeah, I fully watched the video. I see you have a 2 Parasite build. Interesting.
Not aggro enough! With that little ICE, I would’ve pounded the centrals a bit harder. You were wise to ignore the remote. Once the Clone Chip was played, should’ve immediately SOT for Indexing, killed the ICE and won.
Still, nicely done.
@Lysander, I agree about Ken. He will be all about the deck design. He will lose Kate’s install econ, and won’t be able to have the Parasite/CC thing going on. However, using the Central-only breakers, and ignoring the remotes, he may be able to crush fairly hard/fast.
So how heavily does this rely on Atman? I’ve been playing my version of Kate Blitz for a while now, which started with 2x Atman but now only runs 1x for emergencies. I’m usually only using it to break a couple of specific pieces of ice. Here, it seems like you need to have a much better idea of your opponent’s likely ice composition. Is that the case, or am I just overly nervous about committing to Atman?
I would say that two is all you need. Having 3 would ensure drawing it more quickly, but that may be moot if they stack in your hand. One at zero and one at 3 or 4 STR is ideal.
I went with Chaos Theory over Kate because I didn’t want to build around Prepaid VoidPAD and I don’t like running cards like Akamatsu Mem Chip. I focused on Parasite because 1) I like how it lets you pressure the Corp 2) I dislike Hive 3) you really want it for Swordsman.
I went with Desperado because I love Desperado, and of course so does Datasucker. Grimoire is also worthy of consideration. I’m also interested in Doppelganger (another card Datasucker loves) because then I would also run 1 Record Reconstructor . I prefer Chakana over Nerve Agent despite the lack of HQ pressure. 1 Knight might also be nice, if only to help with Wraparound + Power Shutdown.