[Kate] Redefining Shaper Control Decks

No. SOT is for LARLA lossage. LARLA makes the deck sing.

In the video linked earlier, @Nordrunner was running one. It’s an MU, and Econ. But, there’s one. It’s not really necessary, but if you über cycle, you’ll find it.

Judgment call. The GC/Worlds Katman ran 3, and it was solid. Obv., this is not that deck.

46 isn’t the end of the world, but it’s sub-optimal. It’s like the villain in ‘The Raid: Redemption’ voluntarily fighting two guys at once. It’s a minor handicap, but if you win, you can puff your chest out a bit more. XD

In my initial Voicepad dex, I bounced between Dopple and Grim. Sucker, Laundry, and Indexing LOVE the Ganger.

Yeah and I know there will be situation where I would rage against myself for having one more card in my deck but at the moment, I feel that if I remove anything, I will reduce the overall potency and stability of this deck. I feel that I really need the 3 Indexing even If I play a single RDI, and it’s the same for the LARLA / SoT. I feel it’s needed because there will be matchs who will drag too long for my taste and where a reshuffle would get me out of a shitty situation.

Agreed. Having played an aggro CT Siphon deck the past few months, I know a well-timed LARLA is quite a relief.

Also, if you haven’t seen that Raid fight, you should.

The game those people were playing clearly needed some balance work. The HP to damage ratio was way too high. :wink:


I feel like if you had more win conditions like R&D interface, then you wouldnt need to run your deck out and use LARLA, because it wouldve been over earlier. But I havent played this exact build. Certainly against Jinteki I think the LARLA is a good idea, so as soon as H&P hits I’d be putting it back in.


Yeah Jinteki is a thing in French speaking Belgium and France that’s why I play a LARLA.

It’s just that the deck’s econ is not recurring. But, one can go through the deck quickly. Hence, the LARLA is somewhat necessary.

The added defense against Jinteki is a bonus. Plus, with this archetype, I don’t feel too bad about discards. The only deck that would care less would be a Freelance Coding deck.

Wow. Prepaid-Replicator (!) winning pre-Lucky Find.

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I played the following list in a Chronos Protocol yesterday and went 4-1 with it. Winning me the tournament in the end. Thanks to all involved in the discussion in this thread and the great ideas. There were almost no issues during the games. I lost against CI because I didn’t get SMC, Testrun or the Nerve Agent in time. Apart from that, the deck performed like a well oiled machine and certainly turned some heads - the Nerve Agent probably a few stomachs, too. :wink:

"Mac" McCaffrey: Digital Tinker (Core)

Total Cards (45)
Event (21)
Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control #52) x3
Lucky Find (Double Time #109) x3 ■■
Sure Gamble (Core #50) x3
Test Run (Cyber Exodus #47) x2
Quality Time (Humanity’s Shadow #87) x3
Indexing (Future Proof #106) x3
Escher (Creation and Control #31) x1
Diesel (Core #34) x2
Levy AR Lab Access (Creation and Control #35) x1

Hardware (11)
Akamatsu Mem Chip (Core #38) x1
Clone Chip (Creation and Control #38) x3
Grimoire (Core #6) x1 ■■
Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead #9) x2
Prepaid VoicePAD (Second Thoughts #29) x3
R&D Interface (Future Proof #107) x1

Program (12)
Atman (Creation and Control #40) x2
Datasucker (Core #8) x2 ■
Deus X (A Study in Static #66) x1
Femme Fatale (Core #26) x1 ■
Inti (Creation and Control #48) x1
Parasite (Core #12) x1 ■■
Nerve Agent (Cyber Exodus #41) x1 ■■
Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control #46) x2
Sharpshooter (True Colors #67) x1

Resource (1)
Same Old Thing (Creation and Control #54) x1


Awesome job! Prepaid is tight! Yeah, Nerve is specifically in there for NBN FA and CI. Did you find Inti necessary? I like the 2 Atman/2 Sucker build. Find that right?

I think 3 SMC is crucial.

Great job!

I ended second on the Liege Chronos Protocol with a result of 3-2 with my Desperado / 46 cards build.

On the two games I lost, the first one was from a mistake on my part : my opponent played Jinteki with Diagnostic/Power shutdown killing Combo and When he made his combo, I forgot to recurse a Deus X to prevent one Net damage. It would have won me the game.

The second game I lost was against Astrobiotic : I didn’t draw a single econ cards after 2 Diesel / 2 Quality Time and 5-6 regular draw. Was clicking for money pretty much the entire game and couldn’t run because I was too poor to do anything. Screwed up by the draw :slight_smile:

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Nice, nice. Went with the 46, eh?

I’m currently torn between Doppleganger and Grimoire.

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I went two 2-3 in Liege where Calimsha was too. Of the three lost games I had a low economy game as well, which I still almost won, but I was out of steam eventually. I lost against CI again, this time I stalled at 5 points and the last one was just simple stupidity on my part …

Overall I like 2 Testrun 2 SMC better then 3 SMC and 1 Testrun because Testrun profits from the pads and can get the used Parasite again.

Doppelganger instead of Grimoire could be interesting. In which case I would most certainly not go with 3 SMC due to mu cost.

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Overall I think this version is better than the old ProCon one. Kate ability is sometime underused because you will install more than one prog/ hardware on a single turn, but with prepaid you will get money for install AND for events.

Getting the most from your clicks is what makes the original katman so strong. Now, it s even better.

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Which is why I don’t run TME. I’ve seen far too many people try too hard to find Prepaid synergy rather than simply playing ops they want in their deck anyways.

Show me a player that scoffs at me for running Indexing in a Prepaid deck and I’ll show you a game in which I’m much happier to see an Indexing in my opening hand than TME or R&DI.

I was originally running TME. Indexing is a better card, especially in here.

Took some advice and have been testing the following deck via proxy and want to know what could be improved upon:

Kate “Mac” McCaffrey: Digital Tinker (Core Set)

Event (22)
3x Diesel
3x Dirty Laundry
1x Escher
2x Indexing
2x Legwork •• ••
1x Levy AR Lab Access
3x Lucky Find •• •• ••
3x Quality Time
3x Sure Gamble
1x Test Run

Hardware (10)
2x Akamatsu Mem Chip
3x Clone Chip
2x Plascrete Carapace
3x Prepaid VoicePAD

Resource (1)
1x Same Old Thing

Icebreaker (6)
2x Atman
1x Deus X
1x Femme Fatale
1x Inti
1x Sharpshooter

Program (6)
2x Datasucker • •
1x Parasite ••
3x Self-modifying Code

I don’t think the third Dirty Laundry is all that essential; might want to swap it for a third Indexing or a R&DI.
I also think one Legwork may suffice. I’d love to have a lone Scavenge in here as well.

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I like Legwork. Nerve Agent is prob. better v. CI. I def. moved to Legwork in my CT deck, but that has 3 SOT. :wink:

Dirty isn’t vital, but it’s so nice with PAD. Also nice if LARLA is needed. Could pull one for R&DI. I like 3 Indexing, as it’s awesome early pressure.