Kelf's Trade Corner

Figured I would post my stuff here as well, cuz why not. :smile:

Updated last: May 18th

Haves :

AA Noise (English) x3
AA NBN Making News (English) x2
AA Pop-Up Window x1
AA Reina Roja x2

Wants :

-JINTEKI BOXES (need as many as you got!)

-Worlds promos: Image
x1 set of tokens (will trade a lot for them just ask me)
x1 Worlds playmat (will trade a lot for one just ask me)

-The Jinteki and Kate Acrylic IDs in this pic: Image
(will trade a LOT,even singles for them, need em REAL BAD)

-Store Tournament 2015 Playmat from Call of Cthulhu LCG

-Mara Jade Playmat
-Blackguard Playmat (Don’t care if it’s from the North American or the Australian tournament)

-Any Call Of Cthulhu Promos (message me what you got)
-Any Star Wars (X-wing or LCG) promo tokens

x1 AA Private Security Force
x3 AA Eli (I would trade a bunch, just let me know)

You’re gonna get directed to the trading thread so here’s the link anyway:


woop, thanks! :slight_smile: I actually looked for it through categories but didn’t find something

I moved a post to an existing topic: Trading Thread