Looking for feedback: A new format? -

We’re going to have a GNK using these rules this Thursday - will report on how it went.
(Also, the next version of Net Deck will be able to validate decks according to these rules)

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Longshot, but for anyone interested in and also Dutch: We’re running a GNK with the format in 2 weeks at our local gamestore in Enschede.

Very interested how that will go, have fun!

So we had 6 players, did 3 rounds of Swiss. Great fun was had by all, to me this felt like old school Netrunner again. Install breakers, get money, run. :slight_smile:

We’ll certainly do this again during the lull between Nationals and 2017 SC season.

Thanks for the update! We had our own tournament today with 14 people and even 14 different Corp ID’s. Was a great day and I played a lot of nice games. It is a great format to level the field and allows people with little interest in competetive tournement play to make it to the top tables. Was amazing to see underrated or neglected cards rise up to the challenge and even considering some idea’s for nationals now. All in al a challenging deckbuilding format in my opinion and lots of fun. So count me in for the next one!

So an interesting question: Should one be able to consider the Championship Deck packs as the single pack for this format?

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Most definitely not. See above; datapack (not something something deck). :wink:

Might also be of interest btw: We didn’t run into any issues with not having Jackson or Plascrete as a freebie on top of one’s selected cardpool.

Runners do have a stronger position in the format though, so we’re monitoring that.

It was a fun tournament. And it was challenging to build a good deck. You really had to find your own combos.

I did run Jackson, but no Plascrete. In the end I probably should’ve included a Feedback Filter :slight_smile:

As usual a small “to do” was buried under other workload, but edited as per suggestion. Thanks. :thumbsup:

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Running a tournament in Victoria, BC, Canada on October 2. I invite anyone in the area to come out. I will report back after the tournament. Hoping to get some newer/less experienced players out to it.

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Great to hear.

Something that has worked very well over here is sending new players the info sheet (see: picture on top) in digital or printed form.

We also have a stack of them lying next to the datapacks in our local store. Feel free to contact me if you need help / suggestions.

Played my first game on JNet last night. I made a 24/7 haarp kill deck (D&D, Old Hollywood (haarp + explode-a), traffic accident).

The format is a nice change of pace, but I wonder if people are finding that there is less tech against kill or FA (leading to those decks feeling somewhat OP).

It seemed to me like with the diminished likelihood of seeing the common tech (Film Critic, Plascrete, Employee Strike, and NACH), 24/7 kill would be pretty powerful. Likewise, it seems like HB fast advance is probably in decent shape and you are not super likely to see Clot.

I’m only one game into my exploration of the format, curious what others have found. Of course, if onesies gets popular enough, I could see it developing its own parallel metagame (but would be a bit disappointed if that metagame converged to runners needing Clot and Plascrete to avoid getting their clocks cleaned).

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Our local league is pushing this, hoping it helps attract some newer/less frequent players.

Blood Money is kind of ruining it for runners – it’s so good that it’s hard to justify another choice. Because you need tech against kill decks, that seems to be take the 1 card for runners. If you’re Anarch you can go with IHW and hope it’s enough.

For Corp, Jackson seems to take the 1 card slot. Tried playing without and it didn’t go well.

It seems to be worth trying + plascrete/Jackson. If most/many of the good decks are playing one or both of those cards, it seems a bit limiting.


yeah, my Jackson replacement was Haarp :slight_smile:

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jackson does so many different things that he’s probably going to be some degree of a problem for this format no matter what (barring a core set 2.0 with non-rotating jackson?).

I feel like meat protection has a decent range of choices (crash space, paparazzi, guru davinder, sports hopper, IHW). in a vaccum, plascrete is probably still best, but they should all stand a chance at stopping SEA-scorch-scorch or 24/7-scorch-scorch and some of them may work better or be more versatile if you don’t face a murder-y corp. Then you have softer counters with multiple public sympathy, utopia shard, etc.

FA has some options too: the source, chakana, traffic jam. Again, clot is probably the best for a slew of reasons, but some of these may be decent choices that are not dead against non-FA corps.

Anyway, it’s neat that the format leads to these discussions where in standard constructed decks the choices are a lot more clear. I’ll probably try to do without plas on the runner side and see how quickly I regret it.

I have up till now never slotted plascrete in my runner decks, in use my one of rather for clone chip or ddos for example. It might be that I will decide to slot plascrete in the future but for now I have to much fun building around crazy combo’s that are just not viable in normal netrunner. ( and not always in but it is still fun to try )

Picking a pack for its protection cards seems neat, better than picking plas anyway. I mean, you could take what lies ahead, but that’s really only great for Corp I feel. Unless I’m forgetting something. Oh yeah, Disruptor, OP

On kill decks: I have been playing a onesie kill deck as well but without having a mid season it’s hard to use traffic and without the third scorch it is actually super hard to land the kill. I think there is some balance there. I mean plenty of people will grab a crash space or a plascreet as their one set, but I think kill is not exactly reliable.

On Fast advance: Astro is still only one of in onesie so I think Classic nbn fast advance isn’t really “on” if you will. HB FA is probably good, but I think you can’t import as much with the limited sets to make it as powerful. I’m not sure that in general it favors corps TBH (although I have done well with corps). A friend of mine did build a pretty good prepaid Kate and I really think that’s a way bigger deal in the not fun department than kill or FA

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Lots of valid points being raised here.

In our testing and tournaments so far, the “lack” of free Jackson and/or Plascrete hasn’t been an issue yet. Especially for Plascrete, selecting a pack with a solution for damage (Guru Davinder comes to mind) is a fine replacement. Decoy and Crash Space are available to all, as they’re in the core set. Same thing goes for Jackson to a lesser extent. Shannon Claire is a bit clunky, but she works partly as a Jackson replacement in a pinch. And of course there is still the option of selecting Jackson or Plascrete as your card of choice.

TLDR: No big issues so far, but interested in hearing other experiences.

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