Marcus Batty is (hopefully not) bad for the game

Which leads to a good point – I think a lot of it is practice. If they go for Caprice/Batty plan, the Runner needs to pummel R&D much more aggressively. More training needed :wink: Looking forward to these vids.

I agree that practice will help - Jinteki can only splash a small number of destroyers and you still have to draw Batty on top of that, so it’s not like every server will be 100% on lock.

The Corp will get better with practice too - especially playing around Vamp in the early stages before you have a Nisei token.

While Gang Sign punishes agenda flood, you’re more likely to be flooded if you take 1-2 Jackson Mulligans in the game. It punishes corps who want to push the game late where criminals are weaker. Sometimes you just have to trade agendas with the runner, and that’s fine. I like Gang Sign, I think it’s good design. I just don’t know how to find room in a good stuff criminal deck for it.

Right, Vamp is a great surprise but if they’re aware of it it slows me down considerably. Trying to speed up the deck by putting Career Fair and Earthrise Hotel back in.

Crisium grid on HQ, spare marcus batty on HQ. Now you have to run HQ to clean it up before vamping. I’m assuming that 3x interns + Batty + Caprice is a force to be reckoned with in RP. No time for netrunner while moving though. :frowning:

I think that 3x of Interns, Batty, Caprice might be a bit excessive – you still need ice and econ. I think @kiv is running 3x Caprice, 2x Interns/Batty? I built an RP version after our games and put on Crisium in it, but it might be unnecessary.

Drive By+Unregistered S&W?


I think that versus Crim, one of the duo is going to sit on HQ (either Batty or Caprice; probably Caprice). But it’s definitely worth testing.

If it’s caprice then you should be able to get into the remote. Batty’s a one time guy.

Depends. You should be able to get to the remote – but can you do it on the one turn they IA there? Also, if they have a Nisei counter, you might not be able to get into remote. Another consideration is Ichi 1.0 + Batty, which is rather brutal versus Crim. If you have a 1x or 2x Corroder in your deck, and they Batty it (and remote has Himitsu Baku or something), you’re a sad puppy.

I’m not saying that all is lost, just that the combination of Batty + Caprice + Nisei Mk II is a huge headache.

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I don’t see the problem with Batty. Just win PSI games.


Yeah, this is where I’m at. Batty doesn’t ruin the game or even harm it, really. But I’m getting pretty tired of this ongoing trickle of yet-another-brick that keeps getting laid into RP’s defenses. RP is all about those great tastes that taste even better together, and the ID + Caprice + both Nesei MK2 and Caprice really starts to weigh on your shoulders. Couple that with TFP protecting its self in centrals and you’re left begging for scraps from lucky Nesei scores, or paying through the nose for an NAPD. It’s not unassailable (as others have mentioned, if the game gets to this point you probably let things get out of hand earlier) but it’s certainly annoying that they seem to be continually getting more of these pieces. I guess that’s what people were starting to say about NBN last year, though, with Beale followed by Sweeps, Wraparound, NAPD and Fast Track. I wonder what sequence of nasty cards is already being laid down to make Weyland oppressive :imp:


The thing to remember is that RP is already a super-optimized deck. So it’s not just how much Batty helps, but it’s relative to what you are removing. I think no matter what you remove for Batty, you are going to make R&D more porous due to his low trash cost. So while he might beef up that server, you are giving up some on the R&D dig that most people use to try to combat RP.

Seems like Batty might help the Nisei/Nisei rush archetype more than the Soulcrusher build.


That’s fair, and that would be fine with me if that’s the result. Add to that the fact that one self-trashing psi game upgrade doesn’t add a whole lot to RP that wasn’t there before if you don’t let the game get out of hand. You can still deprive Batty via Vamp if he’s on the remote, and if he’s on HQ you can get him the old fashioned way. The issue comes up where you’ve got Batty, Agenda, Advance in the remote when Caprice already got there, and you’ve got a Batty/Caprice on HQ. But that’s a pretty advanced board state and, like you pointed out, to get there you’d have to tolerate more RnD accesses beforehand.

i go back on forth on the psi game being attached to power cards a lot. on one hand as the runner its feels bad to overcome the randomness of the shuffled deck, make the right moves and still get punished but on the other hand running into a situation where if the face down card is marcus batty and you lose it can mean the game creates a tension that is difficult to replicate in other games where the correct decisions result in certain outcomes.

i will say it is becoming rather obnoxious how necessary clone chip is runner decks now but at least i can more easily justify my 2nd copy of creation and control lol.

Could just go with sacrificial construct :slight_smile:

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Videos are up!


UPDATE: Even easier. Never run a server with NEXT Gold and/or an Upgrade.


FTFY - Noise turbomill, new meta!


Unless Wormhole :stuck_out_tongue:

(Parasiting all Next Gold just on principle might be a solid plan, though)

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