Meta Snapshot: March 2016

[quote=“Nobo715, post:40, topic:4475”]
So, RP is outdone by Gagarin Horizontal and Chronos Breaker Control.
[/quote]it’s dead. haven’t you heard? :grin:


Ah shit. Well, at least I have 2 weeks to learn how to play Chronos Breaker Control before worlds. Freakin’ scrubs like me can barely find time to keep up with the meta.


Maybe the article was updated since you posted. I see RP Glacier and Rush in the tier-2 list. And RP glacier appears to be tier 2 while Chronos is tier 3.

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Yeah, it seems it was corrected. Probably just an oversight.

It was indeed an oversight, got overlooked in editing. Good to get some feedback from you guys though. People haven’t posted as many lists this month, maybe keeping sneaky tech for Worlds.

Ah yes. It seems like a solid list, and I like the idea of the series in general.

RP is still tier 1 IMO, it just didn’t receive any love from UoT or D&D. A worlds worthy RP will need quite a bit of Noise hate as to not get blown out, but it’s still an entirely viable choice due to a good matchup against other runners (especially if Kate’s are switching film critics to plascretes in anticipation of D&D scorched).

I understand downgrading it to Tier 2, but realistically RP’s power is much more comparable to ETF and NEH than it is to Gagarin or PE right now. It’s just lurking in the shadows :stuck_out_tongue:


Totally fair enough! I need feedback from god level RP players like yourself. The other thing is that I can really only go from what people are posting online. If only 1 winning list was posted this month and RP has been steadily trending down (which it has), I have to draw tough conclusions. It looks like only the really top level RP players are able to put up results in the current meta.

Solid article, love that Faust Gabe and glad to see you’ve put RP back in there. I’ll check in as that RP list, went a combined 13-2 at Regionals/Nationals and picked up another tournament win with it on the weekend.

The two existential threats RP is said to be facing are Noise and Film Critic. Noise is very disruptive to the RP strategy compared to other runners and you need to win much faster but I don’t think it’s a terrible match-up. Early he’ll be busy with his own setup and won’t have the tempo to disrupt your economy, leaving you the money needed to rush. You can’t stabilize against Noise and his lategame is insane so you need to keep up the pressure while not losing to Medium or a lack of Jackson. 3 Crick, 4 Jackson (Exec Bootcamp), CVS and Hades Shard can help with that.

Film Critic is good on paper but I’d say on average it hasn’t paid off for my opponents. In recent tournament games out of say,10 opponents that had it in their deck, half were able to get it out, three were able to host an agenda but only one person had time to score. There are two common scenarios that generally come up. Early game when the fight is over that Sundew behind an Eli1.0, I’m pretty happy to see the runner spend 2 clicks and a credit on Film Critic. The second situation is when that third agenda is advanced and the runner knows it’s the final turn. One last chance at R&D or the remote, often against a Nisei token. There just isn’t a spare two clicks there which is why I’ve had a few games end against a loaded Film Critic.

Like @Nobo715 mentioned, RP won’t change dramatically with D&D (maybe Global Food Initiative?) but it’s worth noting that it has improved since @mediohxcore took Worlds with it last year. Crick and Markus Batty were big influence free additions that really helped the consistency and core gameplan of the deck.


Congrats! Interesting that Film Critic hasn’t affected you. I agree re Crick and Batty. Do you think your experience with the deck is a factor in finding Noise not as hard as others seem to? The Hades Shard version should help there, I imagine.

nice article pal ! keep going

Post-Worlds and we’ve got a HUGE writeup.


Does anyone think Private Contracts might be playable in Foodcoats? Nice for the midmage when you don’t want to wait for an Eve in your BBG server. You can install it and click it twice for net +5 bucks on that turn.

The power of etf is that you can spend your clicks advancing the boardstate and still make money. This isnt really the case with private contracts.


I think Private Contracts on BBG is maybe OK. I don’t think you can find room for it in decks. As @mediohxcore mentioned on The Winning Agenda, one of the powers of BBG is that you can afford to ditch your econ assets before they’re done without losing value. You can play a high tempo game even in a glacier deck. So If you have a scoring window, then you score. BBG is a must, must trash in almost all situations. I can see going into the server and trashing the BBG and leaving the Eve as being occasionally correct.

Edit: I think it’s always wise to consider the worse case. While Private Contracts is alright on BBG, all your other assets are good without it (and stupid with it). You certainly can’t play Private Contracts until you have 3 Eve, 3 Adonis, 3 Breaker Bay. I think Rex Campaign might be better… Don’t play Private Contracts.


Hey guys

I’m trying a new format this time around, now with 100% less tiers and 92% more terrible metaphors. Any feedback would be appreciated!


I will note that DLR proved to be a solid call this weekend - the two Minh MaxX decks came 3rd and 5th of 42. I wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t common enough to actually be a thing though.

I second this as I won a store champs with a mihnmaxX over the weekend

Totally legit, I somehow forgot about it. Do you find it depends on how much Crisium Grid is in your meta?

There certainly isn;t much crisium grid in my meta, but I’ve played against so little crisium recently that I don’t know how much it would hurt.

That only hurts if you don’t also play breakers that can access, which I think has become a needed piece of the puzzle for the archetype. Corp Town and All Seeing I are the larger concerns, but both can be countered with singularity and Activist support. All the pieces are there