You can’t do anything even remotely similar. 3 Pads and 3 finds is now 9 influence. You can do nothing even close to old Kate with the new list. Clot, Parasite, and Lucky Find recursion was literally the whole point of the deck. Not to mention how hyper-fucked MaxX is now. Maxx was an ID designed on on reliance on clone chip. Which was fucking stupid, but it’s done now.
Don’t know who’s played more DLR matchups, but WNP being unique does literally nothing to change the game. You still install one and are invincible. Installing the second WNP was always just helicopter-dicking. This errata changes nothing.
Levy would totally decimate shaper, the faction would never be seen again. Nor would Maxx. Faust should have been on here before SanSan, PPVP, NAPD, Lady, and Yog. In it’s current iteration, it’s a reactionary joke that might read as satire from someone who quit the game a year ago and hasn’t played since.
But coming from the new game developer, color me wildly unimpressed.