NAPD Most Wanted List - *Update July 2016*

Looks like we won’t have to start playing Foxfire after all!


I live in Europe, I guess we’ll have something like the United Federations of the Old World or something.


Lol, just got reminded that Iain and Kit get the megashaft here too :). OMG.


Only a few more cards I would like to see on this list, DLR, Mimic, Account Siphon and Faust

And then we can’t play anything. It’s the core set days, yeehaw!

Meanwhile, Damon’s mom pops her head out: “Damon, what did you do again???”

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You mean PPVP Kate because Nexus Kate can probably still survive with these changes


So ANRPC is an independent organized play organization. Will it adopt these restrictions?


I think I’m saddest about Architect. It was a really fun, interesting piece of ice and IMHO it didn’t deserve to get hit this bad.


I’m very sad about Noise. The current archetype with 3x clone chips and 3x parasites is being extremely punished, probably as collateral damage. I don’t think these Noise builds are so broken as to require such a hard cutoff. Ok, HB and NBN have currently the edge so I can understand the relative restrictions, although I am afraid that the limitations on clone chip will make clot less playable so fast advance will still be a thing, probably with 1x biotic only.


I’ve thought about it, and I am not as miffed about it as I was at first. It is an elegant mechanic and I will admit is good for shaking up the meta. If nothing else, it shows Damon will take a bit more of an active roll in tooling around with tournament rules.

Still… What the actual fuck are we going to do with Kate now? She got GUTTED.


Not surprised about the list, it makes sense and shakes up the meta and makes it healthy, hopefully. What I am surprised about is that news of the leak was kept well under wraps. If playtesters knew about the list, it’d leak, right? Were playtesters testing without the NAPD list? If so, hopefully Mumbad cycle stays balanced with less of the NAPD cards.

Edit: Also, breaking WNP feels good. Not as big of an achievement as the PPVP Kate crew having every card on their list NAPD’d, but it’s still satisfying.


Save your tears for the sub-15 influence runners :slight_smile:


True, I feel like the PPvP was heavy handed. I’m looking to make a new econ package for kate.

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I read “can’t be reduced below 1” as “You are not allowed to include a card in your deck that would reduce your influence below 1,” in which case RIP Professor.

This won’t make the meta more diverse or healthy. The currently-strong decks won’t be seen much any more, but there will be a new ‘strongest deck’, and the meta will be formed of a card pool that has less playable cards in it. There are always going to be strongest cards and strongest decks in any given metagame, and banning them doesn’t fix your metagame.

The meta will change, but there will be less diversity, not more.


I was in the same boat, but it turns out professor is able to include as many restricted cards as he wants.

Too bad that makes zero sense in any way, shape or form.

EDIT: PPVP Professor with 3 clone chips and 3 Lady’s is the new meta. Don’t laugh just yet.


No Lucky Find though

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You’re half right, and it depends on what you call diversity.

The new “strongest cards” will just take the old one’s place. The old ones aren’t banned though, so they will still see play and hopefully the existing decks stick around because those cards are good enough to warrant the reduction in influence.

Who knows how this is going to shake out, but it’s making me excited to get back into netrunner.


Should still be fine :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t have a problem with this. Every competitive card game that’s been around a while I’m familiar has a banned/restricted/whatever list. Honestly I’m surprised ANR made it this long without it.