NAPD Most Wanted List - *Update July 2016*

lol, How are you gonna drop a kick-ass word like “aplomb”, and then misspell “there” in the same sentence? C’MON MAN!

BTW (not that I want them on the MWL), but what are people thinking about the strength of the new Shrike/Sherman/Striker icebreakers?


I think they are strength 1 and that’s why they suck.


In a rush deck, yes. But my slower decks are getting poo-poo’d on by MO-powered big rigs

Even with Magnum Opus, you can tax Sunney out due to the terrible stats on these things. It also matters what kind of slower decks you are playing. If you are playing Weyland, that’s your fault. If you are playing RP, Caprice solves all your problems.

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it takes a magnum opus 12 clicks to install and use each of those breakers once, assuming they do nothing else. Slower decks can make them run multiple times from upgrades which will drain them out quickly. How much time are you giving them to set up? because very few things should take that long.

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I’m playing big barrier blue sun with a flatline primary win condition. It’s slow. Very slow.


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Latest MWL July 2016, also added to the OP


MOH also unique and 1 astro per deck


Ah missed those.

And a change to nested triggers (especially MCH and Heritage Committee)


Where does it mention Astroscript being 1 per deck and MOH being unique? I missed that too, but its pretty huge

Card Errata section of the FAQ doc. Quite a few changes to read up on.

Dayumm! I can’t say I’m totally shocked though.

I like the MWLing of Wyldside and Faust, D4vid might be overkill, but the card is oppressive in the same way as Lady, and so seems like a fair candidate. Temple going on the list is fair, and I love the addition of BN.

A little dissapointed about the MoH errata if I’m honest as it makes some of the wierder stuff harder to do, but I think the errata make sense and Astro also needed to be punished. I’d have prefered making it a 3/1.

Doesn’t this mean that NBN is now (Edit: legally) unplayable out of the core set? Is it too much to hope that this opens the door for a revised version?

Pretty huge, pure Fastro will have to change drastically if it’s even playable at all. Some other NBN decks are definitely still playable, such as harp butcher that never used Astro anyway, and more taxing semi-glaciers that make use of tags. Timmy Wongs sync deck never even used Astro either.

Anarchs took a beating. The average Dumblefork deck that has 3 parasites, 3 Wyldside, 2 david, 2 faust is now spending 10 influence on in-faction cards, and basically can’t run clone chip at all. Does it still work?

I just twigged what this actually meant. NBN can still run 3 Priority Req, 3 Private Security Force, 3 breaking news, 1 astro for 20 agenda points.

Not unplayable. Just pure garbage out of core. You could run pri req. (Sorry thought restructured data pool was from core)

Wasn’t the whole reason to introduce MWL to avoid errata? We now have the worst of both worlds. A complicated influence rules AND a bunch of errata that we will need to track.

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Breaking News is a 2-of in the core; so still possible with core set cards only, but it would take a 2nd core.


Well, FFG doesn’t necessarily have to sell the core set with tournament-legal decks (or at least, without the “single faction + neutral” decks). And if the MWL is updated every 6 months, then I can’t imagine it would be a guarantee they can make with any confidence, unless they made a new core set that was intentionally designed with only the safest and least-likely-to-be-MWL’ed cards in it.

I’ve never really bought the argument that the deckbuilding rules are too confusing for new players under MWL. If somebody can understand the rules of the game, then they have the necessary critical thinking skills to follow the general MWL rules and follow pointers to the current list.


Yeah. This confirms for me that Damon is basically using MWL to dismantle decks he doesn’t like. I suppose that’s his prerogative, as he is the lead designer, but I don’t like it.

My absolute least favorite thing about all this is using errata to change the text on cards. It is inelegant, and I don’t like my cards not doing what they say they do.