NAPD Most Wanted List - *Update July 2016*

Which means for a brief time Astro is both limit 1 of AND MWL right?


…yes. jeez, we have a regional in that lol


I like all these changes a lot, except Museum. Why isn’t it one per deck as well? And he didn’t address MCH at all?

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Because being unique solves it enough. You no longer can increase your R&D size with Museum, just leave it as is. And MCH doesn’t need to be dealt with when Museum is unique, Mumba eats influence and interaction with Heritage is gone.

So Director Haas does not give points to runner anymore? Backman is not trashed by tag?



I noticed that too. Like, I’m pretty sure what your intent was Damon, but your errata makes it looks like you possibly just buffed the hell out of those 2 cards.


What a mess, reminds me of Clementine Lepp “clarification” in Doomtown :wink:.

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I’m a bit at odds with the update. I don’t think it’s misdirected or anything, I just don’t think it will

First, I don’t see Gagarin losing much. It has influence to spare, Heritage Commitee is a minor loss and 90% of the time you simply stuck a single Museum behind a Tour Guide and called it a day. I think it will pull through without many losses.

Faust decks lose 7-8 influence. Which seems like a lot, but they can just cut down to 0-1 Clone Chip. It’s a nerf, but I think the core deck is so strong that it will still be a strong deck.

Shaper doesn’t lose anything.

I think many the ugly top dogs will coast along nicely. :confused:


Feels like a missed opportunity to take yog and eli off the list, and bring back some archetypes that needed the buff, if diversity is the plan. On the whole though, pretty sweet. Had me on Netrunnerdb wondering what the hell to do with my Noise build. My first answer was Crypsis, and WB Daily Casts.

is that true or did they just change some of the text. I can’t understand revoking the points on haas without doing the same for victoria as it’s a pretty similar effect.

By that logic, Astroscript Pilot Program ONLY reads “Limit one per deck,” which is clearly not the intent.


does yog really need to be on there now that faust is?

I think especially now. With the entire Anarch Faust engine pretty much on MWL, and cards like Null, the Core Anarch breakers will probably be coming back in a big way. (Some Whizzard decks were already transitioning back due to the amount of AI hate). The new MWL additions don’t change the fact that Yog still walks over a ton of ICE. It’s still very strong and deserves to stay on the list, imo.


Also, from previous FAQ updates, Pawn would have text that ended in “…”, and it wouldn’t be able to do its whole function of, y’know, promoting. They’re clearly just errata’ing specific sentences on the cards in question.

Can anyone explain the changes to Director Haas and Rachel Beckman? The errata appears to be exactly what’s listed on the card in Netrunnerdb.

The wording is indeed different. Take another read. It’s a matter of semantics. Also there is a step added in the timing charts where you obtain clicks for your turn. I’m not sure if maybe theres some implication which I don’t yet understand.

It’s to help make Terminal events work congruently with the rules framework, I’ll bet.


I think it’s just to clarify that it only applies during the given player’s turn since “each” turn makes it sound like they get clicks on the opposing player’s turns too.


Welp, I guess Damon officially hates me. :frowning:


I came back to more fully articulate my thoughts, but I think @Basoon about covered them. I personally am dreading what is going to happen to the meta over the next few months. I’ll be the first to admit if I overreacted, but I will also be the first to say I Told You So. As someone else on the forums mentioned recently (maybe @romanoSoprano or @RotomAppliance), I enjoy the game best when Corp is strongest. I think these changes are going to result in a heavy swing in favor of Runners, and I must admit, I find the game less compelling when Runner is stronger. As the Runner, the struggle is the fun, and having to fight a stacked uphill battle every game as the Corp feels bad. I prefer the late-game inevitability to lie with the Corp, not the Runner, and I think these latest changes push the inevitability further towards the Runner side of the game.

Then again I’ll probably still be playing BB45 so sucks to your assmar, Damon.