I’m not sure that will be the case. A more careful errata (hello, MCH!) might have achieved that. Making MoH unique will not stop Museum decks being degenerate. It will just stop Museum decks.
A “Museum deck” needs the possibility of turning your centrals into a recursive conveyer belt as a fundamental principle. Making that harder to achieve would have allowed the decks. Stopping that in principle (only one card back per turn max) means that MoH just becomes something more akin to Rework but as an asset.
Put me down as not sold that the Astro nerf is good for the game. Hard nerfing the only top tier corp deck that can aggressively score out seems to take a lot of pressure off runner deck building constraints. I watched Kiv’s new SpyCamHaley videos and I’ve been working on my own Geist list that also uses the tech trader econ engine. Those decks can go very long and have extraordinarily deep pockets in the mid and late game. I’m worried this move will bring us back to the early days of the game when runners had the clear late game advantage and corps didn’t have the tools to consistently go fast. Not a great meta.
Not to say that NEH FA was blameless in the stale meta we’ve had, but I think a softer nerf would have been a better choice (if you needed one at all).
The upside is that this could potentially lead to greater design space for more and different FA cards as well as cards for other strategies that help corps aggressively score out (like making “Rush” an actual thing for the first time ever). I don’t doubt that will become the eventual goal once they figure out where the new meta stands, but frankly I’m not super optimistic that cards coming down the pipe now were designed in the context of this nerf, meaning nothing happens immediately. We are probably going to have to wait another 6+ months for those cards to come down the pipe line. If I’m right about that, I expect the new meta to be just as stale and even more one sided as this one until they slowly release enough cards to tip the balance.
Perhaps, in my view runners will still want to threaten clot and there will still be a fastest (top tier) corp deck that probably wont be that much slower. Most of the pressure NBN FA exerted will still exist in aggregate, but possibly not from the same deck. Winter hasn’t come yet.
the tournament stats show that yellow decks were dominating the metagame. fastro is also a pretty stupid archetype which abused a broken card. a card that was nerfed, and was STILL broken after the nerf.
i’d prefer a different change, because this will make NBN decks very swingy, but i will shed no tears if fastro has been killed for good.
Did Adam really need ABR nerfed? Or was that just meant to clear up wording and edge cases? It mentions programs, but I’m guessing Dorm Computer is also out of the question now.
I’m genuinely confused by the errata of hostile infrastructure. Is it saying that simultaneous trashes result in combined damage? As in if I apocalypse 15 cards is it 15 net or one net 15 times?
I think that it was to avoid endless arguments of why sneakdoor works but same old thing doesn’t work. I also think you’re correct: dorm computer wouldn’t fulfill the requirement from what I can tell.
If Hostile Infrastructure and any other Corp cards are trashed simultaneously, Hostile Infrastructure will do 1 net damage for each card trashed.
Not errata, just an official FAQ clarification on simultaneous trashing. Nothing says the damage is grouped up in one chunk, so you deal 1 damage 15 times.
So, FAQ is in effect on the 18th, but Tournament Rules (which the MWL is in) goes into effect on the 1st of August. But the MWL is referenced in the FAQ. Am I correct in assuming that the MWL goes into effect on the 1st, and the errata on the 18th? The Toronto regional is in a really uncomfortable spot.
Simply put, that’s not what Hostile Infrastructure says.
Whenever the Runner trashes a Corp card (including Hostile Infrastructure), do 1 net damage.
The trigger is when the Runner trashes a Corp card. So each time that the Runner trashes a Corp card, it triggers the card. All the FAQ clarifies is situations in which the cards are trashed simultaneously alongside Hostile Infrastructure. It still triggers per Corp card trashed by the Runner. So if you trash 15 cards in total, Hostile Infrastructure has 15 triggers to resolve, each of which does 1 net damage.
Psychic Field is one chunk of net damage because of how it is worded. Hostile Infrastructure is individual hits of one net damage because each damage stems from an individual trigger of the card.
3 points for a win, 2 for a timed win, 1 for a tie, 0 for a loss.
IDs are worth 3 points each (making them worth 2 would have been a nice way to disincentivise the practice)
I understand the logic of the card and that is how it has worked for a long time, but this errata uses a completely different wording for cards that are trashed simultaneously. Wording that, to me, reads exactly like psychic field. Nobody in the world thought that you DIDN’T get net damage for each trashed card if an apocalypse happened, for example. If this is a clarification to state how it already works it’s a pretty poor one.
I am totally ok with the astro nerf for this reason exactly. Political Dealings, Early Premier, Puppet Master are under-played (because they’re not nearly as good as astrotrain) but still provide interesting ways to score from hand or from the top of R&D.
If memory serves, the Pavilion edit went into effect immediately because it was in the FAQ, while the original MWL was delayed until the new tournament rules came out. I expect they’ll do the same here - the Astro and Museum changes are effective as of the 18th.