Nationals Meta Panic!

You would also have to be on quite the bad draw to be locked out by a quandary or wraparound as Noise…

Slottheclot, NEH gets way easier with inject and peddler with clonechips and deja, its not hard to find it and keep it on the board.

Maybe hub is a winning matchup, but no more so than against any other deck I’d bet. Mostly because medium is amazing.

I think Yellow Flash has a very bad matchup vs a 3x Imp Noise build. If the Noise player knows what you are doing (Midseason) all they have to do is dump your agendas in the trash. Faust waltzes through almost anything you put down, D4 takes care of the Tollbooth. It’s pretty miserable. Noise finds the 1-of Clot in his deck and you may as well concede.

My assumption BTW is that you are referring to a Midseason/Psycho deck as “Yellow Flash”. I think a Fastro TWIY would be a quite reasonable matchup vs. Noise.

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Any peddler could have a Clot on it. Architect won’t fire even half as much anymore due to Peddler/Faust/Mimic.
Noise can headlock with the right draw for a few turns which is basically a win against NEH.
Noise can get a super rich hand if he doesn’t draw that.
Or if he doesn’t open with those he probably has a hand with Parasucker and a Medium.

I don’t know what Noise you’ve played against recently but 1x CVS is not enough, Noise will check midgame desperation remotes for a sneaky agenda or a CVS, and Tollbooth is more a liability than it is a boon, and Clot can be recurred more than Kate two-fold. Don’t get me wrong a well played Fastro is a dance that can go either way, but I don’t know who is a better matchup against NEH Fastro than Noise/Kate.

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one counterplay you’re forgetting is to simply throw out 2 agendas. if they’re trying to avoid the midseasons, they can’t score the one they imp right away and you score the other., and if they check both you’re good to go on midseasons. Speed is also a factor - Noise has answers, but they aren’t perfect, and he has to draw them very early against flash.

TLDR it’s not a great matchup but is by no means unwinnable.

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