Neon Static Episodes/Livestreams/Feedback Thread

I figured it might be helpful to post here when we publish new content - whether that’s on our Podcast or Youtube channel (livestreams/videos).

I just published Episode 12 of Neon Static where Nick and I focus on the topic of Flatlines - why we love that they exist, an examination of the different ways Corps may try to kill a Runner, and what said Runner can do to avoid their bitter end:—Go-Not-Quietly-Into-The-Flat-Line-e29i1t6


I’ve only seen some of the videos, but wanted to say good job.

Thanks! I appreciate the kind words. We’re having a lot of fun with it.

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We’ve started our biweekly Monday night paper streams (although we’re streaming again this coming Monday 10/9 and then moving to biweekly proper after that) - here’s the stream from 10/2:

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We streamed 4 games last night featuring Eric’s Zahya Deck which made Decklist of the Week this week:

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This is the first video in a new series of tournament games from a local GNK! It took - f o r e v e r - for me to learn how to edit the footage to try and elevate our production quality (so much thanks goes to Andrej from the Metropole Grid for literally teaching me how to use Adobe After Effects and premiere in a workflow that makes sense for these games) so it would mean the world to us at Neon Static if you watch, share, like, subscribe to the channel and all that good stuff. Stay tuned for more games soon!

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The Dawn/Elevation interview was really good:

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