Netrunner tournament software

Why do you consider H2H to be a bad rule?
BTW, as of version 0.2.2b I’m not aware of any TOME issues that would keep you from using it.

I haven’t tried it out at all, so you could certainly be correct.

I think because that’s not how the official rules work. Isn’t SoS the first priority tiebreaker?

Right now, the official rules offer two options for scoring. One is the old system, with plain old SoS as the first tiebreaker, where you are severely penalized if one of your earlier opponents drops or is DQed. The other new system with H2H, averaged SoS and extended SoS is the one that TOME (and NRTM) implement. TOs are free to use either method, as far as I understand the tournament rules. Worlds, and before that lots of regionals were run using the new system, and sooner or later (I suspect before the next SC season) the new system will replace the old one entirely.

(note: when I say SoS and ESoS I mean the averaged version that is now the standard)

It’s not the worst breaker in the world but it definitely should not be used above SoS or even ESoS.

It doesn’t make any sense in a game where matchups are a big deal that you should favour some arbitrary statistic over “you played harder opponents”. Surely the breaker after actual prestige should be how hard your opponents were? Why should somebody who got the same prestige but played easier opponents get in over somebody who got the same prestige but played significantly harder opponents?

I can understand the breaker after SoS or ESoS but as far as I’m concerned, “I played harder opponents” is a more relevant breaker than “well when I played you, my deck had a good matchup against your deck”.

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Where can I get the most up to date version?

P.S.: Ok found it after a following a few links: GitHub - morphinepl/ANRTournament: Scorekeeping software for Android: Netrunner game

Bumping this old thread.

I’m looking for tournament software for PC that’s not based in a spreadsheet and has good support for printing pairings on a regular printer preferably without clutter etc, any advice on where to start?

Edit: Is the official FFG scorekeeping program out of beta/stable yet and if I want to use it is contacting FFG the way to go?

TOME is still in beta, our local store has used it recently for a few tournaments. The major feature request I would have is some sort of statistic tracking. You only insert player factions instead of IDs, it also doesn’t support mini-faction runners. As far as running a tournament via it, it’s pretty smooth.

And yes just ask organizedplay @ FFG.

Morphine’s ANRTournament is the next best thing (and actually better in some regards)

Is there any up to date Netrunner tournament software for Android OS?

Would Love that too

I was wondering if there was any chance you could do a build of anrtournament manager to reflect the latest fixes?

(And I would still love a top 4 option for double elimination :slight_smile:)