NISEI Selection Committee Rezzes The Board

And this is 100% true aswell.

So excited to see what the board is going to do. Hollyā€™s legacy ANR game is what Terminal Directive should have been. I think thereā€™s some awesome talent on this team that will be great care-takers of our game.


I am utterly and profoundly confused by this whole discussion. I canā€™t be the only one.


@anon34370798 Thatā€™s not the information I wish to remain confidential. I was comfortable sharing it with the selection committee because I knew theyā€™d be professional with it but I do not want details of my life (that Iā€™m not going to share with you, because I donā€™t know you from Adam) up on a voting platform.


@RealityCheque anglo name droping helped to get elected by an Anglo jury I guess.
I should have applied and said Iā€™m a personal friend of Justin Bridou that any of you obviously know of, this would have change the game.

Iā€™m really sorry @anon34370798, but I genuinely donā€™t understand what youā€™re saying here.

Are you accusing @RealityCheque of dropping someoneā€™s name in his application in order to increase his chances of being selected? Or are you saying that because Simon has an ā€œangloā€ name, this has contributed towards his selection?

In either case, Iā€™m baffled as to why you would think that, so I hope you mean something else and Iā€™m misunderstanding you?

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No, but I say we learn philosophy to children in school and the anglo world lacks finesse.

I 100% agree with ErikTwiceā€™s post. But I also think it was easier to be anglo if you willed to share pv info to a pv Anglo comity, that could OBVIOUSLY ignore non Anglo reference.

If I say Iā€™m a friend of Alexandre Astier,does this ring a bell ? This would open any geek door in France. Literally any.

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So is your issue that the Selection Committee was entirely ā€œangloā€ (I think it was anyway) and this has, in your opinion, led to a biased selection of other ā€œangloā€ applicants?

I expect the overwhelming majority of applicants were from English-speaking countries, as this reflects the distribution of players. This would inevitably be more likely to lead to selection of people from those countries, but I cannot see how it inherently means there must have been some bias in the selection.

I imagine that many applicants didnā€™t even explicitly state their location in terms of the country they live in, even less likely what languages or cultures there were familiar with, so I canā€™t really understand why you would think that people from non-English speaking countries would have been discriminated against - the Selection Committee probably didnā€™t even know for sure who out of the applicants was from those countries or not. Plus, the country you live in is not necessarily an indicator of the country youā€™re from, or the languages or cultures which you identify with or are familiar with.

what? I simply do not understand this point.

@anon34370798 no, just aspects of my personal life that I do not need to share with you, but have an impact on my qualifications.

Iā€™ve never met any of the selection committee (although I have been at the same events as one a couple of times), I imagine none of them knew of me before this month, and the closest Iā€™ve come to interacting with anyone important at FFG is that Damon Stone once liked one of my posts on FB. Not sure who elseā€™s name would be worth droppingā€¦


If an all ā€œmaleā€ selection committee had selected an all ā€œmaleā€ board would that have been a problem? Would you at least understand why a non-ā€œmaleā€ might feel it is problem?

(Rhetorical questions: I think the NISEI committee and most people here are on the right side here.)

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Ok Iā€™m putting a lid on this line of discussion right now.

I understand your points are coming from a place of good faith about diversity. I really do. But I also watched the acting staff make every conceivable effort and then some to ensure intersectional diversity during the whole process ā€“ that is, to make sure they werenā€™t biasing ourselves toward only the types of diverse we already are. They aggressively advertised the process to different countriesā€™ facebook groups in the search for applicants. I even personally offered the Japanese netrunner community that they could submit applications in their native language and I would help translate if that would make any part of the process more comfortable. In the end itā€™s hard for me to imagine how we could have appeased Syntaxā€™s demands without setting up literal quotas for different nationalities in advance which is frankly ridiculous. Oh and by the way the board is not all white anyway.

You want an anonymized list of demographics about the applicant pool? Fine. Weā€™ll see what we can do. You wanna wrap that request up in sarcasm, attacks on how hard we worked as it was, and requesting us to divulge personal information? Miss me with that shit.

If this argument about whether the selection process did ā€œenoughā€ for diversity keeps going around in circles I am going to start deleting posts without mercy. I guess itā€™s better than the ā€œtoo much diversityā€ bs but still. We did a heck of a lot as it is and weā€™ve got a board that will do a phenomenal job being intersectional going forward. Letā€™s celebrate that.


You may already know this but in Spanish we do not have gender neutral pronouns (or nouns for that matter) in the same way as English. The simplest case is the -o (masculine) suffix vs. -a (feminine). Some people have proposed changing that using something like -x but I have only seen it written, no one I know actually speaks that way and it would sound odd to most I think. There isnā€™t really an accepted standard like ā€œtheyā€ in English that a translator could use.

Not a big deal, since I only play with English cards anyway, but since you mentioned translation and I know inclusivity is important to NISEI, I thought I would mention it. Iā€™ve seen Syntax mention it before re: French but Iā€™m not sure if it was totally clear what was meant.


I think the general consensus from the previous discussion was that the cards in each language should use whatever is considered to be the best option for inclusive wording in that language. In English, which is the only language many of us here are qualified to discuss, that clearly means using ā€œthey.ā€ In other languages, NISEI will have to work with the volunteer translators and other players who speak the language in question to figure out the best option.

I would assume that theyā€™d be open to changing what they use in the future if thereā€™s reason. For instance, if the Spanish translation team initially decided that -x would be too awkward, but then over the next few years -x or some other option became more widely used outside of Netrunner, I would hope that NISEI would be open to changing to it.


Ah, I did not realize there was a previous discussion. I just wanted to make sure people were aware of it in case it hadnā€™t been mentioned. It sounds like you have a handle on it already.


@gg-e-z Always worth asking though, just in case it was something missed. None of us are infalliable :slight_smile:


Itā€™s in the thread for the equality, diversity, and inclusion article. I havenā€™t re-read it, so I hope I havenā€™t misrepresented it.

(Also, Iā€™m only a member of the NISEI pre-board acting staff, so Iā€™m on the way out and I donā€™t in general speak for NISEI, despite the ā€œNISEI Staffā€ currently by my name.)

What does the designation He/Him mean?

What is a native en-en-en?

It means they would like you to use those pronouns when referring to them.