NRDB in Review ┻━┻︵ \(°□°)/ ︵ ┻━┻ *9-9-16

Typically, if they install WNP & siphon, they hold the tags because they have to and you still have enough money to trash the first WNP. Also, your protection against siphon is to actually put down ice on HQ that protect against siphon by taxing them out so that its not possible to siphon without losing credits. Archangel is 5 credits, tollbooth is 7. Wrap is 6 credits. Between a combination of those they won’t be siphoning you with eater. But you can also get there with news hound. They typically don’t have any other money other than daily casts, maybe, so this is enough to usually ruin their game plan. Yes, it means playing aggressively, but its possible to do. If you expect eater siphon, you should almost always immediately ice HQ double in preparation.

Its better if after spending a bunch to siphon there are no credits remaining to steal; This will mean that they can’t actually come in to siphon a 2nd time, which is the point you actually win. You’ll know you succeeded when siphon gets discarded. And then, WNP is certainly the right TM call. If you name Siphon, then you just compress the gaining 10 and losing 5 into a single step for the runner, which is more of a loss than naming WNP and them having to siphon the same turn.

Personally, I’d call Clone Chip or SMC regardless of the flavor of Kate I’m playing against. You only get one shot to call Rabbit Hole against Nexus before they just get all three in the same click, and both variants are going to play an SMC or a Clone Chip at some point. SMC is probably the juicier call, as it means you can profit off of CC-SMC Shaper bullshit just as much as a hard SMC install.

If you’ve seen evidence that it’s Nexus, that’s still 30 credits in one click, you can switch after that. I assume the dividends that Nexus pays go down drastically as you choose not to install a rabbit hole.

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i wouldnt name siphon against a deck whose econ comes from siphon primarily. I guess it depends on how you’re getting your money? And what they’re using your money for.

Guess I just replied to myself

Against DLR I will call Siphon if I have TM in my opening hand, since that means I don’t have to ice HQ.

If I have already ice’d HQ against Siphon anyways, then I will prefer to call either WNP or Fall Guy, depending.

Let’s start a TM against Val DLR thread, lol

exactly on point. It’s really important to remember that this deck actually runs some pretty beefy ICE, and can play real netrunner (i.e., taxing out siphon, strong recovery econ in sweeps, etc.), it’s not just another pushover-ice fastrobiotics rush-to-win build.

TM on WNP makes it a dead card and completely nullifies the DLR engine. even if they install it early in the hopes of siphoning the TM cash away, it’s that many less siphons they’ll have to hit your actual econ (plus the 10 credits can often be dumped into ever more taxing HQ defense).

It’s not that this deck cannot be beaten by DLR deck, but it is a very strong matchup that requires the DLR player to anticipate and think on their feet very well to come out on top.

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Add this to your score area as an Article worth -1 agenda points


I hate News Team so much. Zonkers good and miserable to play against. Data Dealer or tag-me or bust.

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Excellent review, thanks for taking the time to do it. As thanks, have a news team, they’re tasty ^.^

@crunchums Or you could spend a couple pips of influence on dorm computers.


I wish I had an excuse to make proxies for Quantum Predictive Model now

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Just popped in to say awesome review. Now back to my corporate bathroom stall.


The Sol deck was super solid and took full advantage of some very good cards. This one just makes you want to unsleeve all your runner cards, put rocks in your Plano box, and toss it into the sea.

By which I mean it is REALLY fun to play.

Agreed on the changes (at least for my meta since I’m the only dedicated siphon maniac around here anymore). If you really want dedicated siphon insurance in yellow you can always take Targeted Marketing and name it, because it would just be absurd if there was anything NBN couldn’t do.

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This SYNC archetype is my personal deck to beat for upcoming SC season. I’ve been trying to get as much practice against it as possible; it is so oppressive, at least for the Whizzard builds I’ve been playing. That said, I am glad to see another viable yellow ID. It would be nice if the other factions had the same depth, but I can’t fault NBN for that.

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Y’know, the more I think about it, the more I feel that Dorm Conputer could actually be a legit tech card against this sort of deck, especially in a Hayley deck (which is what I’ve been tinkering with for the past week or so). Half a click to install, free, and it doesn’t kill itself on depletion, so you can Aesop’s it afterwards. Hell, even in other matchups, you can jam it for free and sell it straight out with no hard feelings.

With an RDI or two, Dorm Computer easily translates to a 3-point swing at least. Gets you stress-free cats even on the remote, bypasses News Teams on R&D…

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In fact, I do read those things!

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This deck is generally not great against Hayley with RDI in my experience. Especially if Film Critic is involved.

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As crazy as it may sound, Dorm Computer is looking better and better.


And Data Dealer. God I want to sell a News Team right into Sync’s face. So hard.