Official Rules Question Thread

Almost certainly. The ruling with Yog/RSVP is that paying $0 does not constitute spending credits. I think it’s safe to assume that paying $0 to trash something works the same way.


Do parasite/knifed/spooned/forked trigger hostile infrastructure when they kill ice?

My understanding was they don’t.

The answer to all questions regarding whether or not the runner takes damage from Hostile Infrastructure involves asking yourself one question:

Who is doing the trashing? In the case of cutlery and Parasite, they are runner generated effects that trash corp cards, and since they lack the language of something like Noise’s ability (where it specifies the corp trashes the top card of R&D), the runner is considered to be the one trashing the card.

In general, HI triggers on Imp, paying to trash cards with a trash cost, Keyhole, Parasite, and cutlery. It does NOT trigger on Noise virus installs, Wanton Destruction, Utopia Shard, and the like.

Hope this helps.


Is accessing an unrezzed upgrade on a central server optional for the runner? I know you are required to access all cards in a remote but can’t find a reference for accessing upgrades on centrals. Example being CVS on R&D when they have Medium and Datasuckers. Thanks!

Yes, you must access everything installed in the root of the central server. If you suspect a Cyberdex, access cards from R&D first, then access the root.


Thx Jako. I had someone arguing with me on it last night online and just couldn’t find a reference.

Does Immolation Script play with Eater? This one is a head scratcher.

I believe not…as the intent of Immolation Script seems to be that you replace the access of that individual card with trashing the piece of ICE, and Eater will let you access 0 cards max, so yOU never have the access of that particular card to replace. I’d send this to Lucas though, as the interaction could’ve been better worded.

The fact that Immolation Script uses the access replacement language is what makes it unclear to me.

We’ve already discussed this further up the thread, check it out :smile:


Wow sure did. Thx

This came up in casual play tonight about Oaktown Renovation.

So, when you place the 5th advancement counter on it, do you gain 2 or 3 credits? We went with 2 (there are 4 advancement counters on it when you are placing the 5th counter), but it felt a little weird to need 6 advancement to get the boost for something that scores out at 4.

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Hmm, weird. Intuitive it should be the first overadvancement so maybe it’s - advance, check how many tokens are on the agenda, if >4, gain 3.


I am pretty sure that the 5th counter gains you 3. The ability triggers when the advancement happens, but whether there are 5 or more advancement tokens is checked on resolution.


Seconding @Crunchums here. You place it, then check, so as of the 5th advance you’re getting the extra money.

When I install into a server, I can trash whatever I want in that server. When I install ice protecting a server, I can trash whatever I want protecting that server.

Does that also extend to hosting things? When I install a card on Off-Campus Apartment, am I allowed to trash anything? Can I host a card on a Glenn Station that already has a card on it by trashing the already hosted card? When I host a card on Awakening Center, am I allowed to trash another piece of ice already hosted on Awakening Center? What about another upgrade in the same server?

The runner can’t trash resources or hardware on install, only programs. One of the reasons why Aesop’s is so useful is to just get rid of stuff you don’t want anymore, if ever it exists.

I’m not sure about Glenn Station or Awakening Center, and they both might be different from one another, too.

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Hi guys,

Just want to check the rules ahead of UK Nationals tomorrow.
If you install Symmetrical Visage on a turn after you’ve already clicked for a card, can you subsequently gain the benefit for Sym Vis that turn if you click for another card? i.e. is Sym Vis “aware” of the previous click or does it only start counting from the moment it enters play?

I guess the same question applies to Sundew if the Corp manages to install it in the runner’s turn via Crick or Architect. Would that fire the next time the runner spends a click?

No. Both cards have a memory on what previously happened so if you click to draw after you installed visage and clicked before, you won’t get the cred.
Same as mid-turn installation Sundew.


Is this how daily business show works?