Official Rules Question Thread

Just to be clear: This does not include stuff like Imp/Demo Run. If you can pay the cost to trash, you must do.


Right. So only if you can pay the credit cost to trash, yes?

Do face down runner cards installed by apex or created by apocolypse retain any of their information (type, subtype)?

(1) Can Apex install a console face down if it also has a console installed?

(2) Can Apex (anyone after Apocalypse) install a console if there is a console installed facedown?

(I guess these aren’t the same question because while the console is in Apex’s grip it is definitely a console so the answer to (1) might be no even if the answer to (2) is yes.)

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My gut answer to those questions are: yes and yes. Someone posted the D&D insert rules for facedown cards a while back, and I think they don’t retain any information aside from being installed cards.

I dunno if there’s any precedent for this situation: when a card is trashed, the cards hosted on it are also trashed. If the Runner trashes a card, are the cards hosted on it considered to be trashed by the runner as well? For example, if the Runner trashes my World Expo with 3 Hostile Infrastructures on it, does he take 3 net damage or 12? :stuck_out_tongue:

Posted to twitter.

Facedown Runner cards do not have types or subtypes. Someone posted the rules insert here.


I answered on Twitter already with Lukas’s tweet/favorite confirming, but for posterity: the game trashes hosted items. So that situation would result in 3 net damage.


New cards, new questions :

Now that we have a corp current that can turn itself into an agenda what do you think will happen with it once it’s in the score area.
The rules says : While an agenda is in the Corporation’s score area, it is active and adds its agenda points to his score.

So does that mean that the “current” part of the agenda is active too ? Thus when a runner plays a current, the corp will have to discard that agenda… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

When a card changes type, it loses all text; this is why you can’t use Media Blitz on a scored Director Haas. So Cones Are Not People loses it’s relevant text and simply becomes a blank 1-point agenda.

Ok. Thank you.
Do you have a link to this ruling ?

Here you go.

Thanks !

… but … isn’t that just because it’s an agenda in the Runner’s score area ?

No. Agendas in the runner’s score area aren’t blank, they’re just inactive (otherwise Media Blitz wouldn’t do anything at all).

The reason is because the card is turnig from one thing into another completely different thing. Think of it like Oversight AI. When it becomes a condition counter, it’s no longer a card or even called Oversight AI. Same here. It’s being added to the score area as an agenda, so it becomes a blank agenda with points and that’s it (because those are the only two qualifiers given to the new entity).


Just to be clear on timing: you pay to break subroutines and then they fire, right? You can’t let one fire then break the rest?

Yeah, check out the run timing structure. At 3.1 you can break subs, then at 3.2 unbroken subs fire. Always in this order and never mixed up or flipped around.

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Again : thank you very much ! :kissing_heart:

Question about Dr. Lovegood and hosted cards.

2 examples that are slightly different but I can’t seem to find wording in the rulebook/faq to support any definitive answers.

  1. London library example - I have the library with one program hosted on it, use sacrificial construct to prevent it from going away at end of turn. Can I then use Dr. Lovegood to keep the library blank and prevent it from being trashed forever? Does this matter if there is more than 1 program hosted in this way (I would assume no but gonna ask)?

  2. Supplier example - I have several cards hosted on supplier (or personal workshop or something where they aren’t installed while hosted). I blank the supplier with lovegood, since the hosted cards are not installed does anything happen to them or does the game remember they are allowed to be there?


Team Sponsorship question: if i score priority requisition with a rezzed sponsor in play, do i get to install ice first and then rez it for free? I think yes, but wanted to check.

EDIT: followup question. If I’m Foundry, can i score the priority requisition, rez something and thus pull a copy into hq and then install that new card via the sponsor?

Definitely. Team Sponsorship’s trigger is from scoring an agenda, and Priority Requisition’s trigger is from being scored. Simultaneously triggers, you determine the order.

You can do the Foundry thing too.

  1. Yes you can blank London Library and prevent the cards from being trashed. This only works forever if you never want to Lovegood any other card for the rest of the game. No it doesn’t matter how many programs are on the Library.

  2. Nothing happens to the hosted cards. Any card can host any number of things. Abilities describing what can be hosted should be thought of as restrictions not allowances.

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