Official Rules Question Thread

I need someone to crush my hope that you cannot score news team after running through an old hollywood grid. I seem to be overthinking it.


I’m not exactly sure but I’ll try:

Agenda accessed from this server cannot be stolen unless the Runner
already has a copy of that agenda in his or her score area. This applies
even during the run on which the Runner trashes Old Hollywood Grid.

Runner runs into server - accesses the asset News Team. News Team text fires and runner can opt to add the asset to their score area, as an agenda worth -1 point, but it is not considered stealing, nor an agenda at this point. It is only considered an agenda in the Runner’s score area, blank text.


Can I clarify a ruling I made at the BABW finals?

Gabe runs HQ and a Crisium Grid is rezzed on HQ before access. Gabe trashes the Crisium Grid and runs HQ again. Does Gabe activate after the second run on HQ?

I ruled not, because it was not the first successful run on HQ. I think I’ve seen a similar ruling regarding Security Testing previously. Is that correct?

That’s not correct - the ruling was reversed recently.

It is obscure though.


In which case, I hope @sohum accepts my apologies. My bad.


Haha, it’s okay; and I won that game anyway :smile:

Good to know, though! I’m glad to see the ruling ends up being consistent.


I’ve got a question that is purely trivia but might, one day, become important. If I play The All-Seeing I, who get to choose the order in which the cards are moved to the heap ?

I think it’s simultaneous. See the Project Ares/Aggressive Secretary ruling in the FAQ. So the corp chooses the resources (all of them), and then they are all trashed. Fall Guy can be trashed to prevent resources being trashed, as in interesting result of this (see Sacrificial Construct/Aggressive Secretary ruling).

My question is not about the “trash” but more about the trashed cards beeing move to the heap. :neutral_face:
Like when you play Scorched Earth, every damage are done at the same time but the cards are move to the heap one at the time. With The All Seeing I, there is no random in card selection, so can the corp says SMO goes first, then Wyldside, then Kati, etc. ?
I’m asking this because, since the runner can not modify the order of the cards in its heap, one day it may be important…

Yeah, that’s a good point. I don’t think that’s ever been ruled.

I would assume they go into the heap in the order they were trashed.

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Someday FFG will try and get cute with a card that uses a mechanic like this, and it is going to screw everyone up really badly. I know I switch stuff around in my heap ALL THE TIME. And who the hell actually digs through their heap and tosses the SOT’d event on top? I ain’t got time for that nonsense!


I have an unrezzed Corporate Town and a scored agenda, the runner has a Street Peddler on the table. If I rez the Corporate Town at the latest possible window to trigger it at the beginning of my turn, does this leave the runner with a window in which to use Street Peddler before I trash it?

the last window is on the corps turn just before the “turn begins” trigger (1.1) since the corp goes first in their own windows, the runner would have a chance to use or pass on the window before it closed.

that said, if peddler is your top target for the Town, it’s probably not time to rez it :smiley:


Haha, fair enough! I just used Peddler as an example because it was easy, but this would more likely come up in the context of a Personal Workshop. Thanks for the answer!

When the Corp purges virus counters who is trashing Clot and Lamprey? The wording implies the runner is doing it and thus Wasteland will trigger…

correct, these cards are trashed by the runner when the corp takes a certain action (similar to how the corp trashes cards off RnD when Noise takes a certain action) so they would trigger wasteland.


If I click 1 install a Muertos Gang Member and the corp de-rezzes Sundew, does the corp still get the 2 credits from Sundew?

Does Product Placement give the corp two credits if the runner accesses it while it’s installed in the root of Archives?

Yes. Sundew triggers the moment you don’t run. So you initiate the install, sundew triggers, install happens. See the faq entry on Sundew.

Only if the runner chooses to access the root of archives first and trashes the PP. The root of a central server is not ‘in’ that server. For example see upgrades not counting as unrezzed cards in archives for Industrial Genomics.

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The order doesn’t matter. If you access Archives first and then the root of archives, Product Placement still fires.

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