Official Stimhack Netrunner Mentor Program Updated With Pairings! Now with a tournament!

Wanted to but thought I’d post it here first through official channels!

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Role: Mentee
Time zone: EST
Able to use Voice Chat?: Sometimes!
Area where you think you need to improve or area where you think you have some particular expertise: Corping, with emphasis on ice placement and finding scoring windows. I can play nearpad competently and that’s all I got. I feel like I’m pretty solidly in intermediate skill with the runner-side, and I’d like to have my corp catch up!

Thanks for organizing this! It’s a lovely idea, and I’m interested to see how it plays out.


I was out on vacation for the weekend. Is this still an issue?

Edit: Also maybe I should make a badge for mentors?


I’ve been cleared as of now, but will let you know if I hit a limit again. Feel free to make badges, that would be great but I have no skill in making them :confused:

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Badges would be cool for sure if it’s not too much trouble. I’m trying to decide how long this will last and the future of the program in general. I was initially just planning on the month or so with a first round but I suppose we could do more rounds with different pairings or new people if that’s what the group wants.

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I like this idea! It could be an “Over the Shoulder” tournament is how I would see it. I’m thinking of early January so that we get at least a month in and miss the holidays? What do people think as far as time and structure? I’ve heard a lot of people weren’t too keen on the structure of PSI Games I think.

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Role: Mentee
Time zone: GMT
Able to use Voice Chat?: No
Area where you think you need to improve: My runner side is typically weaker. Want to nail a competitive deck, currently interested in improving with PPVP Kate, Noise and Good Stuff Valencia. Open to other suggestions. I also appear to suck pretty hard at piloting Foodcoats, or any glacier deck for that matter. Not too bad with FA or flatline decks.

Hmm, so I noticed there are two in the GMT +13 that presently have no mentors. My availability is somewhat erratic, but, having played since late Genesis Cycle, I think I’m probably pretty well equipped to help some of my fellow (Kiwis, it seems) out, if they’d consent to that.

Role: Mentor

Time zone: NZDT (GMT +13)

Able to use Voice Chat?: Yes

Area of particular expertise:
Honestly, my NBN game is fairly average and my Shaper is embarrassingly bad for how many hundreds of games of Netrunner I have played - that being said, I am well-versed against both.

Outside of those two, I have substantial experience with the other Corp and Runner factions. Weyland and Anarch (Noise, in particular) are my specialties. I’m pretty steeped in the fundamentals and fairly knowledgeable about deck archetypes, card synergies, etc. Although I think I’m probably best suited to helping intermediate players reach premier level, I’ve also taught many newcomers to my FLGS the fundamentals of the game.

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Hi, (posting here since am still blocked on PM)

Firstly, thank you @divadus for joining. As you mentioned, you’re located in New Zealand. I’ve paired @dr00 and @crisscrosses together, but it turned out they were from the same local meta, so would you be interested in working with them? (and likewise the two of you with him?)



Role: Mentee
Time Zone: US Eastern Time (GMT -5)
Able to use Voice Chat?: Yes
Area where you think you need to improve: I think I’m intermediateish. I qualified twice for ANRPC GLC finals, finished 13th and 15th in two ~60 person tournaments, but did not make top 8 at a regional and finished bottom half of GLC finals, SSCI, and Chicago regional (so maybe I’m not yet intermediate? Hard for me to gauge). I think I need help as both corp and runner in identifying when to switch gears - I think too often I’ll tunnel vision an R&D dig, or scoring in a remote, when my resources would be better spent either pressuring elsewhere or defending centrals more. I also think that when I’m runner, a few times a game I’ll take good-but-not-best lines of play, and consequently will sometimes end up losing to a very good player by 1 score when I likely could have had the win.

A bit late to the party but if there is still pairings I’m up for some fun

Role: Mentor/Mentee
Time Zone: GMT +1
Able to use Voice Chat?: Yes
Area where you think you need to improve or area where you think you have some particular expertise: I am a generalist and have rather good game sense what to do and general archetypes but I play to defensive and I do not play my fast advance decks as fast as I see others do.
On the runner side I feel confident when the match progresses in a normal pace but I have problem when the Corp blitzes and I am often left in the dust or have expended my resources to rapidly and end up without any rig.

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I too am late to the game! If at all possible it would be cool to get paired up.

Role: Mentee
Time zone: Pacific Time Zone (GMT -08:00)
Able to use Voice Chat?: Yes
Area where you think you need to improve or area where you think you have some particular expertise: Trying to develop a better intuition and mindset while playing

Seeing how there is so much interest, I’d love to take a 3rd mentee, so I’ll repost here once I have a schedule going with my second one as well.

Kudos once again though for creating this, it’s really fun and even the mentors get to learn something out of all of this!

Just wanted to report that my games/lessons with @zogstrip are going really well and we get to have some quite fun games! He actually beat me in all of the jinteki games thus far (feedback filter + magnum opus :smile: ) but I believe zogstrip is well on his way to learning how to cope without any net damage protection!


How late am i to the party ? Way too late. But i’ve been doubting to sign up to this , but decided to do it anyway, because i have nothing to lose.

Role: Mentee (Yes , Mentee)
Time Zone: CET
Able to use Voice Chat?: Yes

Area where you think you need to improve or area where you think you have some particular expertise: Played old netrunner , played new netrunner, know the rules well enough that i judge tournaments. But i always end up playing Jank , Shaper , Jin Teki (Black Tree) or a combination of them. With some minor Weyland tossed in there for good measure.

You will notice all these have have 1 thing in common ; They aren’t generally the T1 decks. And ever since NEH came out , i feel i’ve been resisting playing T1 decks and trying to find my own niche thing. Thats nice and cute , but i feel i’m out of touch with meta plays. I understand most T1 decks and what they do and how to counter , but not to pilot.
Running agressively (Crim) is also something that goes against my grain. So could some touch-up.

I would prefer ‘non local’ meta.

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Can any mentors / high-level mentees who’d be able to help multiple people please let me know if they have time to help out multiple people?

OMG, I want this. I’ll buy a mic if I get paired

Role: Mentor - I’m already competent, usually rank 40-50 in STL, but need feedback/experience playing advanced opponents.
Mentee - I can teach intermediate strategy with the following archetypes: PPVP Kate, Noise, SMC Anarch, Reg MaxX, Andysucker, Security Sunny, HB Glacier, NEH Fastro, Blue Sun Glacier, RP Glacier, Greenhouse Rush. No jank decks please
Time Zone: EST
Able to Voice Chat? : Yes, probably, I hope…
Format: OCTGN only

I need to improve on high level decision making, recognizing mistakes, planning turns ahead, dealing with adverse situations. As runner I need to learn when to put the pedal on the gas more, as corp I need help playing kill decks and making advanced decisions in fastro

I’m good enough at glacier, knowing when to push agendas and setting up early econ. As runner I’m good at control decks, building and striking when strong, and figuring out how to make strong end game pushes. Best at HB glacier, RP glacier, okay with Blue Sun glacier. As runner I’m good with PPVP Kate, Noise, SMC Val or Whizzard.

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I will be helping 4 people as of current, @kata124 (as per special request earlier on), @Milchtee, @koichinakano, and @jflans.

To my above students, please give your patience as this is a busy time for me at my current job, and I will respond with a calendar schedule where we can slot time accordingly.


I see you took my title recommendation :slight_smile:

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You’re a hero :slight_smile:

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Yup, I loved your suggestion!

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