Official Stimhack OCTGN League PART III

@Roz can you link the video to our match? Would like to see the other side…

Hey @Stiv what was your nickname in octgn? Unfortunately it seems Hitbox didn’t record my entire stream. I’ve already mailed them to try and see if the archive can be restored. As of now I’m also going to locally record future streams and then upload to youtube. In the meantime, I’ll message you if the archive is restored.

I’ve somehow managed to get to 10 - 0. I’m not sure I want to take the risk of playing any more, because that’s an absurd record.


Banged out two matches v. @lopert tonight, with between 5-8 people in the room with us. Crazy large, super quiet (except for that loudmouth @snake3yes :wink: ) room. Good times.

SHL3: bringing out the best in folks, and the best folks


My goal with spectating is to make any room that I join instantly become a party room.

##awww yeeeee


Come spectate me at anytime then ! o/

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i beat user “Vikz93” yesterday in both games. he is not on the stimhack forums and hasn’t verified my wins, he wasn’t particularly happy that his sea source double scorch was screwed up by my Ive Had Worse :smiley:

Just a heads up.

Just had a freakin amazing game vs @mykonian

My MaxX vs his NBN. I’m out of cards in my deck but have Levy in hand. Eater, Femme, Keyhole on the board. About to hit Levy when he installs a naked remote. Earlier on he had bluffed out an Astro this way so like an idiot I forget that bluffing is a thing and run it. Snare! Bye-bye Levy. There’s only a Data Raven on RnD so I keyhole for a Beale, taking me to 4 points. He puts down Wraparound on RnD. I have Knight, Amped Up and brain damage fodder in hand so I click for credits for two turns, prepping for a power turn. Get my accounts closed. Click for creds for two more turns. Would do so for one more but he Biotics out an Astro, forcing my hand. 8 creds - install knight, host on wraparound, amped, keyhole for two points, keyhole for the last point (now out of creds), run iceless archives for the win. He had the winning agenda in hand. I have 0 cards in hand or deck, 9 tags and 5 counters on his Data Raven.

Now that’s what I call motherf*cking punk rock!!

Very well played on his part incidentally, I only won through blind luck.


@joker74 sorry about that, my laptop crashed literally just after we said gg. I’ll still report the match if that’s ok. Sorry we didn’t get to play the switch.

I’m so regretting not being able to use OCTGN - this looks really fun. A jinteki league would be great - but it looks like most people prefer OCTGN for ease of use.

If people want, we can maybe extend the league to, though I’m not sure everything is 100% functional, so it might lead to a lot of games being thrown out or w/e. I would be on board as long as people were good sports about it if things broke down and if @Argamas thinks it’s okay.

You could also just pirate parallels and download windows and give it a bad activation key like I did :stuck_out_tongue:


@Roz - my nick on OCTGN is Maert. Let me know if you get a video :smile:

When we play two games against 1 person, do we count both games as 2 wins/losses or 1 win and 1 loss? Or would we then play a 3rd tie breaker if we have time? If we say “lets play 2 games” does that imply it’s 2 separate games?

yes, exactly, 2 separate games. Just to make it fair, so each player gets to play both sides.

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So THAT’s why you kept getting those windows notifications during the SHL2 stream :wink:


So call me out if I am too uptight about this, but it doesn’t seem necessary to mention anything about your opponents deck in the notes. I don’t even think it’s even necessary to mention ID’s, but I have seen notes in the game that read “HB with Datapike”, or “Blackmail Valencia”. Surprise is a great part of this game, and there is no need to diminish that in future games based on game notes.

How do people feel about this?

I always simply report “Runner Win” or “Corp Win”. But that’s just me.


I think it’s a remanent of the old BGG leagues. I still write 10-2 and shit :smile:

You’re probably right, that we have no good reason to keep track of this data. All it does is expose people to scouting. No one is going to manually go through it all and if you tag the game right @db0 will have a nicer dataset available to him in case anyone ever wants to go through it, (someone write this article pls).

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I think it’s generally positive for the comments to have info about what IDs people are playing. In the last leagues when I was gunning for a top seat, I made sure to play 2 different decks on each side that complemented each other (e.g., neh and blue sun glacier) so I couldn’t easily be metagamed against. I felt both that it was a good experience/obligation, and that it was making me get better at the game.

Last league, I did at some points gather all the comments and make a script to count each faction’s popularity to get a sense of the metagame; mostly to confirm my suspicion that NEH was way under-represented in the start. I also don’t think it’s any more of a problem than spectating games in person and remembering stuff.

That said, I wouldn’t personally reveal whether games were won by flatline or by scoring, and I’d certainly discourage everyone from revealing opponent’s individual card choices (especially out of faction splashes). Where I draw this line is largely a matter of preference – I just like metagaming and surprise together.

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Hmm, I’ve always written ID vs ID, similar to how you would in a normal store league where you usually report the match outcome. But if it’s preferred to not report ID I won’t.

However, people revealing details is, to me, effectively broadcasting and should not be allowed.

edit: since this post I’ve gone to just writing whatever ID I’ve been playing. Nothing about the opponent. Regardless, I think ID vs ID is okay. If you really want to share some details, ask your opponent first.


Would you think it is okay then to put Andy over Argus in the comments?

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