Official Stimhack OCTGN League PART V

lovely, thanks for the prompt reply. i’ve actually played a few of the shl players in casual matches: got totally wiped out by 0sum and itjustgotrielle, for instance.

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Those two are top-tier or very close to it, so no shame there! I was fortunate to meet a second-place finisher in a nationals, and although I lost both games, I felt that I was at least competitive (although a mistake against Butchershop cost me my runner game; lack of experience against the archetype really hurt me there). They have some top-tier people that I honestly feel like I would have no chance against - either because of luck or some other reason, I’ve generally dodged them enough to face people I felt I was closer to in terms of skill, which keeps me from getting too discouraged. :wink:

Hope the rest of the league is enjoyable for you.

Sad to see you DC there @Rippman - that was a fun game we were having
Maybe we can play again some other time

He DC’s a lot :wink: . I unknowingly save all the DC screens… Went through them the other day and found I had 3 haha. When I was winning too. Oh well.

I was winning too ;_;
Now it seems like OCTGN died (everyone DC’d and my internet was fine and now I can’t log back in) while I was playing @ItJustGotRielle

OCTGN has been bad this entire league it seems.

I guess I’ve been fortunate not to have problems, although I haven’t played much lately.

Unless that was a Cyberdex in your remote I was probably winning next turn xD

David in hand, Clone Chip for Yog, loaded medium with a lone Tollbooth on R&D. 18 left in R&D though I think, and assumed 3 agendas in R&D, so not necessarily a definite thing!

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The Lonely Tollbooth…

Didn’t Robert Frost write that?

We assume that the sysop,
or someone who got things done
wanted us to pay three credits
before continuing the run


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How do you guys feel about running SHL on both OCTGN and next time?

as a predominantly player, massively in favour.


I believe the main argument against a combined OCTGN/ league was that it would not be “one league” as some players would play on OCTGN and others on (I’m against combined league for this reason).

Did someone not start a league on the side already?


There was a tournament, that left some people out by the nature of it being a tournament and therefore having a registration cut-off.

If the finals are on octgn, I have no objection. I let you guys decide

I think there is a good chance this will simply lead to two separate leagues, with different player pools and thus possibly different difficulties and rating spreads. Might be best to run as two separate leagues, then let the winners of each square off? I am generally content with OCTGN and have no intention of playing on unless required to do so for some reason… is feeling sick today. Can’t report a match :persevere:

Loads like a dead toad…

Is it just my idea or the traffic of this league is less and not so much games get played?

Just played two games for the league and remembered how good are the people in it.

If this is the case, it is a shame first of all not to have many games in the healthy meta IMHO of the history of the game, and secondly COME ON PEOPLE! GET UP AND PLAY!

It’s summer (on the northern hemisphere at least) so I’d wager lots of people are on holiday.