[OFFICIAL] Stimhack Store Champions Invitational Event Thread

Both players report at SSCI Match Report - StimHack and then the bracket updates?
Didnt happen for me yet. And new round should start now.

Just reported our match now. will it get in on time (Jman3256 vs Corvus)

Yeah, I reported and my bracket is still not filled in

R2 DELAYED to 1130

Same here. I reported my match before time but havenā€™t seen it update. My opponent didnā€™t respond to confirm the prestige (me 4, him/her 0).

My guess is that theyā€™re manually updating challonge?

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I was the opponent and reported as well

Yup. Dan is manually doing all of the reporting and you can check the log to verify as well on Challonge.

1130 seems unrealistic with challonge still only showing 50% of the reports :slight_smile:

delay to 11:35


@mediohxcore May I suggest leaving 15 mins between rounds as a matter of principle? Itā€™s literally impossible for you guys to put it all in, handle all stragglers etc in like 0 minutes. That way, weā€™ll at least know what to expect (and can hop off if we finish early, for toilet breaks etc) and itā€™s going to be easier for everyone.


still donā€™t see my results. Should I resubmit?

yeah were going to.

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Please no - if thereā€™s gonna be a break, could we shorten rounds? Iā€™d like to get to sleep tonight!

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Split and make it 10 minutes?

Remember that with 7 rounds that adds over an hour onto the tournament. Could it be maybe 10 minutes instead if itā€™s going to be increased?

I had to cancel my morning meetings for this, fuck you and your beauty sleep!


Cut will happen at 1:30 CET omg :slight_smile:

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Please take banter to banter thread, ty.


may i suggest: you might give more countdowns for start of round and ā€œtimeā€ on the same page you had the countdown for the whole tournament before - and post the subsequent links here?

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