On the Lam - Musings on the NAPD MWL

I’d rather import the tutoring (then maybe you can grab a better card than Special Order) than the breakers. Anarch’s suite is really quite good and Criminal’s in faction breakers are fine, but they always need support from out of faction. In a traditional Criminal deck, your Faeries need a Mimic backup, your Passports need a Zu.13 backup and your imported Corroder needs to come in twice to back its self up due to program trashing and the complete absence of recursion in faction. If you’re importing 7 influence worth of breakers and then another 4 influence of RDI, you’re left with a tiny budget. Anarch could bring in 3 SMC for that to hunt up all the D4V1Ds they need to support their quite excellent suite of Yog, Corroder and Mimic. Maybe throw in a Net-Ready if you’re afraid of Lotus Field?

Note that my hobby horse of the B&E suite in Geist doesn’t have any of these issues. Instead, it needs 3x Desperado and 3x Clone Chip and the funeral service will be held Saturday.


We’re saying rather the same thing there.

Your breaker + tutor + multiaccess may be 11 (though the second corroder should be replaced by spec order, or no desperado now).

Your anarch’s budget is 9 (without Yog & Parasite) but third SMC is a lot though.
Say it’s 6 + 2 Yogs. You’re relying on moving parts that you still need to find (aka 2nd level moving part engine, exemple: wyldpancake, or 2-step breakers like mimic/ds). You need to draw the cards and find the money (aka find slots for money cards), MU organize all this (aka one console or else it’s 1x ds only).

Where is your multiaccess ?

If you want multiaccess, fine.
That will cost you loads of clicks to draw and install this on top of your x-step engines.
There’s no nerve agent in regass to solve an uninstall problem + alphashot problem (because HQ multiaccess works well with alphashot, not that much with nerves). But that same budget became suddenly 12. Got to put 2 parasites and you have a very generous 1 inf left.

That’s why I said “Shaper have lots of options, Crim have limited options, Anarch have no options.”

If crim want protection against the trash, buy Sac constructs for 1 each, problem is solved and you still have 2.

I think Anarch could have came back to pre O&C power levels, because of how little is the vision for that faction. Too much moving parts to solve with too little inf + “is it neutral ? naaaah, it’s niche, give this to Anarchs. Wait a little. There is a move against basic need of a deck, right (ex: tag) ? Definitly Anarch.”.

Consider “if the console is desperado, mark 2 agenda point” 1-inf cards like lots of these cards exists against Anarchs decks, or “trash a money card” and we should start to consider Anarch & Crim & Shapers having the same general problems.

There I can see people’s tears about 1 and only one ice, Crick, teching a non fondamental card which is sneakdoor. This is all the problem of Criminals. Then don’t rely on this. They just shot Parasite, it’s not like it’s a 3x card here.

Anarch have Lotus/any high str + etr sentry/cg to solve, drawing half of their deck, installing in less than 7 turns their 7-step potatoe launcher and finding little money they have before even counting how to get in a server.

What was one of the two main reasons people purged ? Parasite (the other one would be medium). But Anarch needed that time. It’s not like they are by essence the quickest bird around. And they needed that “solve one ice” function, a lot, lot more than the other two factions.

Let’s talk about the true tragedy of the MWL:

It ate up my time.

I literally just finished building 8 physical dex, jumped on the slack to note that life was great, and then saw the MWL.

Another hour of my life tweaking gone.


Only an hour?

you must have your shit organized


I misread your post as “I literally just finished building 8 physical apex” and I completely went nuts.


And give that inf to Kit/NEXT

Word. I listened to the latest Run Last Click podcast. The latter half had some interesting discussion, all sadly irrelevant for the new state of play. The challenges of prerecording a show I guess!


I thought the exact same thing as I listened this morning: ‘oh, there’s Eli 1.0, that doesn’t quite work like that any more. Oh they mention Architect, ditto. Oh, they’re onto PPVP now’ and on and on. Amazing how big a shift 11 card MWL list is.

Great summation of thoughts, @spags - thanks for sharing.


I see lots of people on jinteki.net experimenting with new decks which is great. But you know what the toughest decks still are that I’ve played? Noise and NEH.

NEH got nerfed but so did its top runner matchups. Noise is barely affected. Basically he loses 2 clone chips, but there are lots of other good anarch includes he now has 2 card slots for.

I predict a flood of Noise decks in the next round of tourneys. I can’t imagine how this is good for the game.


I always felt like Noise should have the same caveat as most runners and limit the mill to the 1st install each turn.


I remember when you came into the Slack chat then… ‘Good morning, all, I feel great’

I don’t usually, but I definitely took some joy out of posting a link to the NAPD MWL just to see your reaction. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you said you were going back to bed now.


I’m a bit surprised that Mimic didn’t make the list over Yog.0. I can understand why Damon saw Yog as the more disruptive of the two, but with Lotus field, it seemed like a managed problem. Meanwhile, the best killer, by far, is in Anarch. Criminals everywhere shrugged.

There is one possible way to “fix” the core set without printing a whole Core 2.0: a “completion pack.” You can sell a pack that gives you the other 2 SanSans & Desperados, along with sets of fixed cards, like a nerfed Kate, ETF, and Yog.0, and an improved Data Dealer and Toolbox. New cores could incorporate the new cards, too. There are still problems with this approach, but it’s easier to sell than a complete reboot.

It was NYE. I just started drinking early than normal.

Also, “I hate you all.” was muttered at some point.


That was the saltiest the slack chat has ever been. Game is kill.


If you are not hating us all, we are doing something wrong! :wink:

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Mimic at least cost something. Multisubs low cost ice is taxing for mimic but not for yog.

Also if you manage to get the drop on a Mimic, things explode. Get the drop on a Yog and… the run ends.


Same with Batty :slight_smile:

Lycan has a counter.