Welcome to Stimhack Triple Core Tournament (STC 1)!
With new interest in the game, I wanted to start a tournament for players who want to try games using only Core 2.0.
This is learning-oriented event, but anyone may sign up. Whether you’ve been playing for 5 years or have never played an online game before, you are welcome to sign up. The more the merrier.
How will the tournament work?
This will be an online version of a regular FFG tournament with 4-6 weeks of Swiss pairings followed by a single elimination top cut. The number of Swiss rounds and the size of the top cut will be decided by regular FFG tournament guidelines for relaxed events. The top cut will be played in a best 2-of-3 games format.
Each Sunday night starting Nov 12, the tournament organizer will post pairings. Players will need to arrange games during the week and report results by the following Sunday. In other words, you will play one game per week.
All games will be played on Jinteki.net
Scoring will be standard with 3 points for a win. Players may not ID or two-for-one.
Policy Regarding Scheduling Conflicts
Pairings will be posted before midnight Eastern Time each week. Players should contact each other on Monday to arrange a time to play before the reporting deadline. (Remember, you will both Corp and Run.) If a player does not respond to initial attempts to contact within 24 hours, they will forfeit the games for the week. (I’ll need documentation of attempts to contact.)
If players cannot reach a mutually agreeable time to play despite sincere attempts on both ends, then I will enter the results as a 3-3 tie unless one player agrees to concede the match to the other.
If problems with Jinteki or other connection issues disrupt a game. Start over.
If problems with Jinteki or other connection issues prevent the conclusion of a match before the deadline, it will be entered as a 3-3 split unless one player concedes the match to the other.
How do I join?
Sign up here before Nov. 12.
To sign up, you will need a Slack account. That is the best way to arrange games. If you do not provide a Slack username, your entry will be invalid. If you do not have a Slack account, you can use this link.
The Slack channel for this tournament is #teaching_league.
NOTE: I hope people will use the Slack channel to help each other out with deck building ideas and questions about game play.
What are the deck building rules?
We will use standard deck building rules, but since the emphasis is on learning, you will be allowed to change your deck list and your IDs each round. You may stick to the same decks or change them each week as you like.
Legal card pool: You may only use cards in Core 2.0, but you may use up to 3 or any card in the Core set.
MWL 2.0 is in full effect for this tournament.
Where can I post my match results?
Use this Google Form to report the results of you games. Only one player needs to submit match results each week.
If you have any questions, please post here or over in the Slack channel.
Good luck and have fun.