Organized Play

US Nationals are at Origins Game Fair this year in Columbus Ohio June 15-19

North America Championship is at Gen con August 4-7 Indianapolis Indiana

World Championship Weekend is November 2-6 in Roseville Minnesota FFG game center

I’m famous! That’s me in the hat at the bottom left from Worlds 2015 round 1, winning a game against Foodcoats with Prepaid Kate. Wheeeee!

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Wow might actually make a nats this time around


I hosted two tournamenst at Origins last year. Had a total of 20 participants in both. Hopefully they can bring in a larger crowd :stuck_out_tongue:

I like origins a lot, but haven’t been able to find the time to go in a while - here’s hoping that this will end up drawing more people to an already great con!

So it’s all a big ball of nothing really, except the US now has two Nats + a larger one with more international participants. A bit of a bummer that NA championship doesn’t also mean that there will be a European championship. I had hoped they’d announce some of the stuff that Steve Horvath talked about, but there really isn’t much to this for the european players.

There really should come something for us Euros. Essen Spiel would have been a good place to host it, though it is probably too close to Worlds. Still a large tournament at Essen I’d do, or a Euro champs.

AGoT has a European championship which is played at Stahleck (a castle!). I think it is completely fan run but is very popular and the winner of it has gotten to design their own card. With all that being said, I think that FFG would be open to a European Championship for Netrunner but it may take a few dedicated individuals to organize it.

Stahleck has been getting a lot less support through the recent years from what I can gather from the Thrones community. I don’t think it’s feasible to say it gets anywhere near NA Champ level of FFG support.