[Pālanā Foods] Soylent Red (It's Made of Runners)

Or we could go full circle and call it Purplecoats, in reference to the fact that Redcoats was a purple deck and this is a red deck. Just makes Netrunner deck names that much more indecipherable and in-jokey, which I take an odd glee in.


I prefer Foodshopcoats.

Just wondering how the grail ICE works in this ID, as most builds just seem to run RP-ish ICE. Like what are the pros and cons between the two, and why I don’t see too many people using it, as it seems really decent, especially if facechecked.

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I had a hand management issue when I played, because I wanted to keep certain ice in hand for the grail, but I probably should have just spent it installing. I also am bad at turning off Argoplex, so there’s that.

I feel like this is the strongest corporation ID we’ve seen in a long time. It’s so strong and so flexible, you can build any kind of Jinteki deck with this ID and it will do work for you. If you have any doubts about Agroplex, don’t, the card is so good in this ID (and in IG I think). So far I feel like rush is the best style here, and the Agroplex’s fit into that. The consistent money just allows you to do so much, it is very difficult to keep this corp poor.

Agroplex helps the runner too much, play launch campaign instead

It helps you too though. Not just money but card draw. I think one Agroplex rezzed is great if you’re Palana against almost every runner.

Just played another game as Palana. The game went 15 turns, and I got 20 Palana triggers. Rezzed an Assassin, 3 Eli, 1 Tollbooth, and an Enigma, scored out, and payed for 3 Snares, and still ended the game with 16 credits. The money in this deck is so strong (to be fair, my opponent did a fourth click draw to trigger me to go up to 9 when I had 2 Restructures already in hand).


Any thoughts on Reuse to deal with the excess cards from Agroplex?

I hear you, and I do think its worthy of serious discussion and testing.

Scenarios where you get an ID trigger on the corps turn
• Astrolabe – from my experience I am not going horizontal with this ID so astrolable rarely triggers, obviously good if you making an asset spam museum/temple/turtlebacks variant
• Drug Dealer – this is just wonderful for you. If I were runner I probably pitch this vs Palana.
• Harvester – if you are packing this you have more serious issues
• Agroplex – triggers every turn at the cost of speeding up runner development
o Vs Wyldside runners (or any Maxx) you are guaranteed to double dip your ID every time, whilst they will be getting 3 free cards per turn. These runners pack faust and are desperate to dig and find their david/parasites/econ so you are probably helping them accelerate their game plan even more
o Vs non-wyldside runners you may well be giving them enough draw that they don’t need to click-draw on their turn (or they can clump their running turn draws) meaning the benefit you get from agroplex is minimal, just negating the natural benefit you would have gotten from the ID on their turn anyway.

Launch campaign on the other hand pays out 5 (with no tempo hit) and can live in your scoring remote until you are ready to score. One agroplex needs to trigger for 6 turns to match that efficiency and as mentioned above it may prevent your ID triggering on their turn anyway. The additional cards that both sides get will help the runner more often than the corp, although I do see a case for Agroplex in more rush-ier decks.

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In all seriousness, money for influence is not something Palana wants in my experience.


I find that runners can’t reliably install all the cards, and run. Either I feel no pressure until I’m rich, or they run and discard a bunch of cards they’d otherwise play. All the while I’m getting more cards to set up faster. Couple that rushed feeling with damage ice, and the runner ends up in a tight spot.

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Is anyone using Product Recall to turn off the agroplex? Or do you just over-install it?

I’m sticking with PE through my last SC this week (I took a 180 off NEH FA), but I’m curious about moving into a Palana build next.

I just over install it. I had to do that to avoid decking myself before winning the next turn.

Yeah I’ll usually over install with a Jackson but most games I win out before I need to. Noise being the usual exception.

As a side note, I suppose this thread is as good a place as any to link to this: http://fetal.ai/post/141034900251/how-should-we-pronounce-pālanā-almost-everyone

tl;dr it’s pronounced “PAHL-in-ah”


Needs a ‘Fork’ in there somewhere.

Food Shop: Coatporate Caforkteria




reg-ass foodshop ForkcoatsBOYZ

