I know I’m not alone here in testing this, and hopefully I’m not spoiling anyone’s “secret Worlds tech,” but I’ve found Patchwork in Shaper to be right around fucking amazing. As soon as you get it out, you’ll almost always be making 2 credits a turn; thus my mention of PPVP in the title. Another card that gave out a free 2c a turn was Bloo Moose, and let’s all remember the money-drenched 30 seconds while that card was unbanned.
Patchy is a little worse, in that you have to also discard a card from your hand in order to get that 2c discount, but this gives a great incentive to run 3-ofs of cards that would later normally be considered dead draws. I know I saw someone on Slack talking about running ProCon with it, which I tested and found to be pretty good. It gives a bonus to drawing cards, which is something you need to do, since you’ll ideally be installing at least one card a turn, as well as discarding a card a turn. Eventually, I decided that if I was going to be drawing cards as a Shaper, I should just buckle down and draw some damned cards, so I swapped over to Laguna Velasco District and that was a great change.
Something else that’s good about Patchwork is that it takes cards that might normally be a larger tempo hit than you’d want and make it a much more manageable experience. I decided to run the Laamb/Engolo suite, with a safety Na’Not’K that I usually don’t have to install. Since I like DDM as a Shaper wincon these days, I also included a couple Dhegdheer. I chose DDM over Indexing because it can also get reduced by Patchwork when played, and that you really don’t want to be doing multiple runs with Laamb/Engolo, since those runs are usually fairly expensive (and Sentries can give issues if there’s enough of them and you don’t have Na’No up). This also makes a good play space for Data Folding, since it both requires free memory, and usually feels awful to install if it costs 3 (but great at 1).
Finally, the deck needs an ID, and I think any Shaper deck that leans so hard on one card really just needs Ayla at the helm. With 3 Patchwork in the deck (and I wouldn’t recommend any less than 3), you find it with decent reliability. 3 Diesel and 3 Laguna makes sure that you find it swiftly if Ayla misses.
So here’s the most recent version of this deck I’ve been messing with. So far it feels very powerful.
Ayla “Bios” Rahim: Simulant Specialist (Terminal Directive)
Event (16)
- 3x Deep Data Mining (Terminal Directive)
- 3x Diesel (Revised Core Set)
- 1x Legwork (Honor and Profit) ●●
- 1x Levy AR Lab Access (Creation and Control)
- 3x Modded (Revised Core Set)
- 2x Peace in Our Time (Quorum) ●●
- 3x Sure Gamble (Revised Core Set)
Hardware (6)
- 3x Clone Chip (Creation and Control)
- 3x Patchwork (Reign and Reverie) ●●●●● ●●●●
Resource (12)
- 1x Beth Kilrain-Chang (Blood Money)
- 3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
- 2x Data Folding (Order and Chaos)
- 3x Laguna Velasco District (Terminal Directive)
- 1x Same Old Thing (Creation and Control)
- 2x Symmetrical Visage (The Valley)
Icebreaker (5)
Program (6)
- 1x Clot (The Valley) ●●
- 2x Dhegdheer (Terminal Directive)
- 1x Misdirection (Martial Law)
- 2x Self-modifying Code (Creation and Control)
15 influence spent (max 15, available 0)
45 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Reign and Reverie
Right now I’m on a Levy as my restricted card, although I could easily be convinced to move some influence around and use Employee Strike instead. Most games I don’t really need the Levy, but it has been very useful in a few. In at least a couple of those games, Emp Strike might have made it so the game didn’t go on long enough for Levy to be needed.
I’m sure anyone looking at this deck list is going “Wait, Modded? 3 of them?!” Yeah, 3 fucking Modded. Come at me. I’m almost always able to install the first Patchwork I find with a Modded because Ayla is amazing, and that allows me a lot more freedom with using Patchwork the first turn of the game. Installing Patchy for 1 and then using it to Sure Gamble for a net 6 leaves you at a cool 10 credits. Installing Engolo on Dhegdheer with a Modded costs 1 credit rather than 5 (or Clone Chip Engolo onto that same Dhegdheer after discarding it for savings on a different card, and use Modded to discard to Patchwork for an install cost of 2). That’s the glory or Patchwork - cards you no longer need you just pitch for 2 credits.
I also like the ability to use Patchwork on my opponent’s turn using Clone Chips and SMC. I liked it so much I made a version with Artist Colonies and Fan Sites, but I found that I then had less cards that I wanted to pitch to Patchwork, since I always wanted to install the Fan Sites, which made for awkward turns. It turns out, you actually want some chaff in the deck for it to work out.
Anyhow, I’m still working on the optimal list, but right now this feels really good. I’d love to hear folk’s opinions.