Philly Regionals (June 20) Discussion Zone™

Got an UnregAss for you too. 76 Memstrip, 1 Overmind :stuck_out_tongue:

It shouts bubbles. More like… Mkay. I know the next name I’ll use :smiley:

@Apreche Are the final games lost to youtube? Would love to see the stimhack final.

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Alright! Mini write up of my day.

Got there early, had to wait with tension in my heart to see if i could even play. After that heart attack, i got in! Now wait more to actually start playing! Guh. Try to not psyche yourself out.

Decks? My usual PPVP-Less Kate and my variant of BBG HB with 2x Caprice.

R1 - Won both without much issue. Had time for a fun game where I played a lil noise. 2-0

R2 - Won the corp game after a squeaker vs RegAss Max. He had to wait like 8 turns to Levy after he ran out, and I had to wait for him to do it. Purged a lot of medium that game :(. Lost the runner game after I hit a first turn Cortex Lock from RP that grabbed a Daily Cast, Lucky Find, SMC, Astrolabe or some ridiculous shit. My heart said just play the money, and i shoulda listen. It was closer than you thought it would be all things considered. 3-1

R3 - Played vs Kit Vamp. We both had a money fight I was losing, but I had a DBS up. For like 12 turns. Never saw either Caprice. He started to pressure RD, I had to make a move, and that was the end of it from a monster 50+ cred Vamp. Then vs IG my aggression was my downfall as he mushined a Overwriter, and did the same a few turns later. 3-3. Whos feeling bad now? This guy.

R4 - I forget what I played vs here, but I lost both. I was making really weird decisions, and that left me to think about some things hard on the lunch break. 3-5

Lunch break - I talk with my buddy a bit. I’m out of it, feeling bad that another regional is going poorly. I play so much better casually, my decks have much better results. But its not all just ‘bad luck’. Thinking that will never improve anything about my play. I really think about it and realize I am just playing weird. The pressure of games that matter is fucking with my play, because I know this field is rough and I can’t have anything less than great results. I figure my day is over at this point.

This is a problem I have been aware of for a while. Anyone who knows me can usually see me killing it in the Swiss to fold in the cut quickly more often than not. But this tournament really opened my eyes to how bad an issue this is. I have no idea how to practice this side and improve it. This is a shitty realization to have. But important.

R5 - Played vs CodeMarvelous who was in a unfortunate way from a previous round. He was clearly just in a rough mood, and it sucks. I win both, and this round was just sad to see someone having a bad day at that point. 5-5

R6 - Won vs a fun HB deck, very similiar to mine. Stimhack and the non-PPVP economy felt so good this game in particular. Getting a early 3 pointer is always nice too. Lost to his typical PPVP Kate when we were both on game point, and I have a remote that taxes hard and has Caprice. I get a BBG and install into the remote to pressure his hand. I did, but he did what every Kate does and I KNOW THE RESPONSE. Makers eye RD… which I have like 4 agendas left in around 15 cards. I shoulda put the BBG on RD maybe, and fake the Ash to drain his money a little. I realize the misplay right away and well… whoops. 6-6

R7 - Play vs another Jersey boy I didn’t know actually! He was newer to the game but played pretty well considering. My kate just played strong, and he drained a lot of time and money making non-optimal runs with his Leela… which kept him super broke most of the game. 8-6 (Finished 37th out of 94)

Overall, the tournament was fun. But between the wait to get in, the wait after that where I had to focus to not get in my head, realizing how bad my tournament nerves are, and the results I was having… I just was not as social as I woulda liked to be. I chatted up my opponents but between rounds just focused on thinking about my day and the nerves thing.

Maybe I should just play with a few drinks in my system all day. XD Jokes, but who knows lol.

Anyone I got to meet I did not know before, I was glad to meet you! Anyone I got to see again, that was awesome too.

This was an important tournament for me. I need to fix these issues moving forward, but I don’t know how and have no idea how to start.


Thanks for hosting a killer event Philly boys. I’ll be on the look out for the next event in the area. Thanks to everyone who came out and made this the most stupid difficult regional ever. ~_~


I think 3 DBS 2 Jackson is better than the opposite. 3 of each might be better, but wraparound is the probable cut and I didn’t want to go down to 16 ice in a deck where I already feel kinda ice light compared to what I want to be doing.

Jackson does a couple things that DBS doesn’t, but I find a lot of time if I’m flooded without ice I’m not winning anyway from the tempo hit of jackson saving me. I also don’t really like agenda fixing my hand with jackson in this deck because it makes r&d super dense near the end of the game, where R&D multiaccess tends to be the biggest loss condition (losing on r&d is basically how I lost all the game I did at Philly).

For aggressive decks I find DBS much more proactive (also lets you lightly or not defend HQ against most shapers). Plus its one more to trash which is nice.


I have contacted my friend at YouTube. He said they have problems with streams longer than 8 hours. They are going to try to reencode it. We’ll see what happens.


I don’t really enjoy reading tournament reports that are just summaries of each game, but honestly, what I did to prepare was even less interesting, just jamming lots of games to practice my clot matchup as corp and my butchershop and RP matchups as runner, so this is what I got to offer.

Problem solved


I remember when Ben @Basoon first told me that I should go to stimhack earlier this year, my reply was it is too much English for me. Now I can’t believe myself trying to write a report on it.

People in DC know that I am a huge fan of BlueSun for life.Through out these months I did BlueSun with Twins+Janus, 6 agendas, 7agendas out of 59 cards, and finally bootcamp glacier,something real.

On runner side, fortunately with Niles @hhooo and Jonas @thebigunit3000 being on top of our meta and doing so well with doppel Maxx/eater Maxx, no one in here doubts the strength in this ID. In the end, after my stealth Andy was beaten so hard by grail NEH, I decided I will give RegAss Maxx a go.

Switching from NEH/Andy into Bootcamp/RegAss as a new player was really tough. I think I still can’t play them very well even after 100 games but I truly enjoy it. Also huge respect to Zach doing so well with Andy, my favorite runner ID for sure.

Going into the tournament, I don’t think bootcamp will do well for the same reason bblum said in his report. But as an unexperenced player, I can’t just grab a good deck and go. I know I have to stick with what I’m at least good at.

My match ups have been covered by a couple reports and posts so I won’t repeat much about them.
Round 1 vs Argus/Leela (look! a criminal!)
I was really careful dealing with Argus and Leela was just too poor to do anything against glacier.

Round 2 vs ETF/RegAss Maxx against @Sheshonk who absolutely crushed my BlueSun.
My runner game was a close one, he had 4-5 ices on RD made it impossible for Medium.
When we are both at game point, he had no agenda with biotic at hand for quite a while, then he found his ABT ready to score and win next turn. But my SoT legwork came first and won the game for me. lucky.

Round 3 vs Butchershop/Prepaid Kate
In my runner game, he had an early wrapround with breaking news advanced once. no access to corroder. GG.
On my corp side, BS is not supposed to do well against Kate, he also had a dream start as well( 2 pad, 1 baby and 1SMC )
But lucky for me, I had 2 Hive, 1 crisium, 1 Firewall, 1 Icewall, 1Curtain wall early on. My Remote was Curtain Wall-Hive-IceWall. In the end, he had Atman at 10, but the Ice wall rez stopped the evil and got me to the game point before his Levy. In the end I sneaked out an Atlas and won.

Round 4 vs RP/RegAss Maxx against Joshua Schaener
He didn’t have much experence against BlueSun thus face checked so many times early on into Caduceus/ Datapike/Tollbooth, which hurt him so much.
And the RP game I just won so many psi games. =)

Round 5 vs BlueSun kill/Stealth Hayley against Steve from NJ
I’m very familiar with the match up so I countered most of his moves and trashed tons of ice as soon as they were rezzed. Feels like a DejaVu of my second rounds.
On the other side, his Stealth Hayley ran corroder, which means the tax is real. He had no money to contest my remote so I can just play my normal BlueSun game : )

Round 6 vs NEH/Andy against @Webster (look! another criminal ! =)
This one was on the stream and Zach has described how it was. I’m very happy that I get a chance to play against him. At this point I already thought my trip was totally worthy.
9-3 (time win)

Round 7 vs RP/RegAss Maxx against @mediohxcore
After round 6, Niles told me I have to swept my next opponent to get in the cut because time win is really bad. Then I heard Jesse @dashakan yelling at me saying that I was gonna play Dan in round 7, the world champ. I don’t know how I feel when I heard this, I think I’m more excited than sad.
And of course, Dan 2-0 me.
His RP had 1Pup 3 Eli on R&D, tollbooth+Susanoon on Remote.
My BlueSun game was weird. Early on I had no money, have to clicking for three for many turns . Not really flooded, but he managed to get 4 points early on.
I did S&G his Kati in the turn his installed it where he finished the turn with 5 credits. That was the only window and even though it didn’t hurt him right there, I did it anyway.
His money did run out before Levy and I was able to take that window getting my adonis going as well as two sucessful OAI+CurtainWall. However, no agenda came to my hand even after turns and turns drawing for 2-3. By the time I get my pri-req. He has fully recovered, and R&D was really thin full of agendas. Since this game doesn’t matter to me anymore because I’m already out of cut after losing to his RP, I just throw the pre-req in the remote knowing that he can come through with clonechip-david.

9-5 in the end but I’m super happy meeting and playing all these players.
Thanks to all the VA-DC-MD crew for creating such an awesome meta. I decided to commit to this game almost right after my first tournament in DC last Nov where I played against Jesse/Niles/Ben in a row after only complete three full games with my local friends :smile: .


Raaaan, you, Alex, and the rest of the DMV meta repped so hard and it was awesome to watch. Gonna try to up my game and make it out to some of the meetups in Crystal City…

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So I finally am getting the chance to watch some of the stream, and all I can do is notice that my arms are really hairy. They look so different from my normal vantage point!

Also, this has gotta be a record for most replies to a regional thread. Maximum hype.


Did you use your lucky SHL winner FFG sleeves?

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Lesson learned. Also, don’t be surprised if it gets fixed. The raw video is definitely on a YouTube server somewhere.


Thanks for recording the tournament, there were some great games :smile: