I think there’s a bit too much hand-wringing on BGG about Planned Attack. Assuming a click is equivalent to two credits (a fair assumption especially for Criminals), you’re gaining 6 while the Corp loses 5 for Account Siphon, before factoring in the cost of getting into HQ. Every corp has the ability to mitigate Siphon, and everyone has a good enough economy to not crumble against it anyways (barring a bad opening start). Now factor in all the great new resources and the semi-decent tag punishment out there (Psychobeale comes to mind), and Account Siphon is starting to look as it should have from the start. I think it’s bananas for Gabe, but for everyone else, its “cons” list is starting to match the “pros” column.
Plus consider when the game was released, every faction had to incorporate filler into their decks due to the narrow cardpool. Now deck space is tight on both sides of the fence, and FFG has clearly sought to build on this by printing great cards that are tough to fit in. Sure, Fast Track looks great on paper, but it doesn’t do diddly for Astroscript (any more so than any other 3/2) after you’ve scored four points, and prior to that point, HQ is even less defended than in late-game. Plus in most games you’ll naturally draw into (or use NBN’s massive draw power) what you need, so Fast Track’s ability is essential in a small percentage of games, while being dead in others). It has some uses (great for getting that last Medical Breakthrough or Philotic Entanglement), but not broken.
Back to Planned Attack, I think as you said it’s great for taking advantage of timing windows, and a pretty solid splash in other factions. A Gabe that splashes for Indexing can look at the boardstate and decide he needs an Indexing against an undefended R&D, Siphon for undefended HQ, Special Order if he has everything but icebreakers, or an Inside Job if the opponent starts rushing agendas. An extremely potent ability, but I feel is actually wasted on Account Siphon in many cases.
I actually think the meta is slowly moving from Criminal to Anarch as the primary “Tag Me” faction, especially since it seems FFG has always intended for Criminals to get among the best resources, whereas Anarchs get bad resources, or ones that function with tags.