Polite Discussion on the Worlds 2014 Metagame

I also think Noise is the important factor in the metagame for Worlds this year. While I’m not sold on his match-up vs NEH, he is very strong against the Glacier decks. My belief is that the current meta can be described by the circle NEH -> Aggressive runners -> Glacier -> Noise -> NEH and whoever gets a good enough read on where in the circle Worlds will be has an edge.


I think constant multi access via hardware (RDI, HQI) and programs (Nerve Agent, Medium, Keyhole) will be big since they address various solutions to the event based multi access (Crisium Grid, Nisei Counter, Caprice, etc).

On the corp side we will probably see a lot of FA and glacier and depending how popular Noise is at the time more tag & bag.

Just a year ago, according to all the internet pundits, Jackson Howard had Killed Off For Real any chance of Noise ever winning again. I’ve beaten almost every single Noise deck I’ve ever played against quite handily… So what the hell happened to make Noise so viable all of a sudden?

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I think “most” players will be playing criminal, Andromeda in specific. Whizzard may see play, but I don’t see other players sacrificing the consistency of Andromeda in favor of Whizzard.

[quote=“legate_damar, post:42, topic:1944, full:true”]
So what the hell happened to make Noise so viable all of a sudden?[/quote]

IMO, nothing happened. People just get excited about new counters and now new possibilities. Cache is an amazing card for him, and gives a huge boost to Aesop’s based decks. I think Noise has always been good and in the right hands can be brutal.

Preach brother. Economy options make him easier to play, and he’s always been fun, so combine fun and easy together and you have a recipe for flavor of the cycle.

Not to say he is overrated.

I would like to add to this since it is related to my other point, those PE decks like hinke’s are also really easy to play and people love net damage decks.

I don’t know how many were playing PE at nationals, but I played against one hinke deck in round 2 of the last day.

This is bad but, perhaps with the decline of NDB it will be easier to predict the metagame since we are just looking at bgg, reddit and stimhack forums to see what’s hot. Whatever lands high on the tournament winning decklist page the week of nationals will probably show up en masse.

While I’d say this was true of OCTGN - decklist was ‘Deck of the Week’ on NRDB, play against it constantly - I’m not sure people making the trip to Worlds will be so fickle.

Is this really true? I think running this sort of PE deck takes a lot of skill, courage, and a pretty damn good poker face. This sort of deck both pleases and upsets me. I like that it’s possible to win in a very different way. I’m sad that it makes the majority of the runner deck it’s up against into hit points.

I really hope it’s popular at the tournament I’m going to at the weekend. For I have a Keyhole!

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Very true, I did lack the practice against it and what happened? Now I am paying the trip to worlds myself. :stuck_out_tongue: (Additionally, I tested quite extensively against similar decks.)


I think people can be unprepared for it, or not practiced enough against it. If it can damage out a LARLA and Chronos it away, that’s Bad Times. I think it’s a good counter to Criminal. Noise or Keyhole dex will eat it up.

I honestly expected a lot of it at Gencon, and didn’t see it at all. I believe it works much better under a skilled pilot like Hinkes. I played him in the final round of Swiss at Worlds last year, and worked it with just Deus Ex. Now, that was last year, and it’s severely improved this year. I wouldn’t be expected to see one in the T16, at least, mainly because I’m sure Chris will be at Worlds.

People will bring decklists (or slight variations) of decks that have already won tournaments and regionals. This season has been at least somewhat varied, so the ID spread should be less homogenized than last year, but I don’t think anyone should expect things they haven’t seen before.

Still stand by my predictions. Corp should primarily test against Noise and Andromeda, IMO. Runners should test against NEH Fast Advance, PE, and Glacier (HB and RP).

Alright, time to stop acting all polite and shit, and get real. MAD real.

(NSFW, of course) http://www.cc.com/video-clips/jk2wol/chappelle-s-show--the-mad-real-world--pt--1---uncensored

Who is going to win Worlds? I’m going with @Chill84 or @Nordrunner. Middle West represent.


I should be there with 1-4 other members of our meta. I’m having some “on the fence” issues with splitting a hotel room which may kibosh my plans because of cost. At least $200 in gas, and at least 50 a night for a hotel room is a little rich for my blood when it comes to playing netrunner. I plan on arriving in time for conquest, so I’m guessing my promos from conquest and netrunner can be sold to cover my expenses.

EDIT: Sorry, didn’t read “who will win”. Me is my answer. The other people you chose are good options, but I always bet on myself.


There was already a thread about this. Middle west keep your shits on topic.

ees coas reprsent.


FWIW, I’m picking you to take 2nd, @mediohxcore.


A backhanded compliment to end all backhanded compliments.


I don’t usually see Morning Star as a huge threat. It’s true that it eats up Barriers, but most RP decks I’ve seen/played run about 4 of them.3 Elis + 1 Other. Sure, MS beats that down in comparison, but the initial outlay is enormous, generally.

But yeah, it’s worth keeping in mind all the same. I still feel like hitting Corroder harder is more important – and while Femmeing past WoT was never desirable in a deck with Komainu, I like that Ashigaru is likely to be all the harder to do that to.

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Did you have a stroke, or is this indicative of the education you received on the “ees coas”?


Everyone talks Morningstar, but few will play it. Put your Morningstar where your mouth is, chumps.

Dude, SHHHHhhhh wait for inject.

East coast hostility I guess.