Polite Discussion on the Worlds 2014 Metagame

incinerated. I’m not the one that came up with it. In my testing as RP they’re a pain to beat. NEH has issues too. Not sure what everyone else is doing.

What happened to ‘polite’?


There is no room for that on the internet. We must ramp up the hate machine.

CT Faerie rush actually won me a GNK tournament 6-9 months ago. It can be fast and brutal, for sure. I don’t know if it has a place these days, as it’s strongest matchup is probably against Weyland. Rototurret is just about death to it and appears in a a lot of popular decks these days. Maybe less so with all the parasite recursion.

Eh the variant that gave me heartache ran 1 mimic instead of stimhack, pretty much solved the roto worries. Most NEH decks I see don’t run very many sentries anyway.

I’m not sure what I did for influence other than 3x Faerie. Probably some sort of HQ multi-access. I’m pretty sure I ran 1x mimic but I don’t remember for sure. Definitely not stimhack.

If you come to worlds, do you think you’ll be bringing the Oracle/CT deck?

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Playing 3/1 Agendas in Harmony seems like a very poor decision, IMO. I think Harmony has more potential than people give it credit for. I have been messing around with a 6 * 5/3 verison with Shi.Kyu’s that shows some promise. If you can land just 1 Shi.Kyu on them (forced by making the alternative a flatline), they have to score half the agendas in your deck to win.

Joking aside, I’ve seen the deck before and it was a cool a deck using indexing sac con and faerie at a 2013 regional played by a friend. He missed the top cut, but he placed well IIRC.

Around this same time Selwyth and @lysander were posting work on opus-less shaper decks, and they were starting to gain ground.

People all over were exploring other ways to build runners, and faerie fueled armitage codebusting shapers were among the decks which laid the groundwork for some archetypes that we take for granted today.

Landing Shi.Kyu is not hard (especially since we have Kitsune). The hard part (at least it was so in my attempts at finding a working 6x5/3 deck) is how to score two 5/3 agendas. You don’t have Weyland’s rig destruction and you don’t have RP’s or HB’s taxing power, so making centrals relatively safe while building a solid scoring remote is hard. How does your deck solve this problem?

Well, I’m coming to worlds… so the question is just what runner I’ll play. I’ve played Gabe since the beginning, and when everyone jumped ship to Andromeda I stuck with him. With Gabe I placed top 16 at nationals last year, won 2 Store Championships with 20+ players and got 3rd in Chicago for the Regional there with 80-some-odd players. It’s hard for me to deny how well Gabe’s built in early aggression ties perfectly with my really aggressive play style.

That being said I really, really want to play CT “Mother May I?”. I’ve got 3 local tournaments between now and then to iron it out and decide if I really have a shot to do well.

My version is actually a take on Uncorrodable.

###[Janktech][1] (44 cards)

  • [Harmony Medtech: Biomedical Pioneer][2]

Agenda (6)

  • 1 [Eden Fragment][3]
  • 1 [Executive Retreat][4]
  • 1 [Priority Requisition][5]
  • 3 [The Future Perfect][6]

Asset (8)

  • 3 [Jackson Howard][7] •••
  • 3 [Mental Health Clinic][8]
  • 2 [Shi.Kyu][9]

Upgrade (3)

  • 3 [Will-o’-the-Wisp][10]

Operation (15)

  • 3 [Celebrity Gift][11]
  • 3 [Hedge Fund][12]
  • 3 [Interns][13]
  • 3 [Medical Research Fundraiser][14]
  • 3 [Power Shutdown][15] ••••• •

Barrier (12)

  • 3 [Bastion][16]
  • 3 [Himitsu-Bako][17]
  • 3 [Wall of Static][18]
  • 3 [Wraparound][19] •••

Built with [http://netrunner.meteor.com/][20]
[1]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/decks/L27hmdxpmfPGdycZn
[2]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/harmony-medtech-biomedical-pioneer-honor-and-profit
[3]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/eden-fragment-the-spaces-between
[4]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/executive-retreat-trace-amount
[5]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/priority-requisition-core
[6]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/the-future-perfect-honor-and-profit
[7]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/jackson-howard-opening-moves
[8]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/psychiatric-clinic-honor-and-profit
[9]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/shi-kyu-honor-and-profit
[10]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/will-o-the-wisp-the-spaces-between
[11]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/celebrity-gift-opening-moves
[12]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/hedge-fund-core
[13]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/interns-mala-tempora
[14]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/medical-research-fundraiser-honor-and-profit
[15]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/power-shutdown-mala-tempora
[16]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/bastion-creation-and-control
[17]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/himitsu-bako-opening-moves
[18]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/wall-of-static-core
[19]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/card/wraparound-fear-and-loathing
[20]: http://netrunner.meteor.com/decks/L27hmdxpmfPGdycZn

Some of the problems I have with the deck:

  1. You have no bluffs/traps. I have been considering Junebugs, I’m just not sure how to fit them in.
  2. I chose MHC over PAD because it is cheaper to rez, but it works against Shi.Kyu. I have not tried replacing them with PAD yet. The upside to MHC is I don’t feel the need to protect them, whereas I would probably want to ICE PAD, which makes it tight with only 12 ICE.
  3. Weak versus Noise. Interns helps some, but not enough. Not really anything to be done here.
  4. Weak vs. Atman/Sucker.

How I play it is to try to score 1 Agenda early, before the Runner is set-up. It’s relatively easy versus Anarchs (sans Quetzal), trickier against Shapers, and sometimes impossible versus Criminals/Inside Job. The Runner usually gets the second Agenda, then you either Shutdown or Wisp their Fracter and try to score your second shortly thereafter. The deck isn’t great, maybe not even good, but I think there is potential in HM, even if likely not in HM Uncorrodable.

This decklist has no place being in the Worlds 2014 Metagame thread :smile:


I like 3xPriority and 3x Future perfect in Medtech.

Mush puts enormous pressure on the runner to run. and a quad junebug turn 1-2 is usually enough… or a cerebral.

(emphasis mine)

This sentence reads to me like “get siphoned, lose promptly” :smiley: