Predict the worlds meta!

top 16 turned out to 100% NBN (SYNC, mostly CTM, two NEH I think?) and 14 Anarch (all Val or Whizzard) plus two Kate. I might be off a bit on these numbers but that’s what I remember.

It was 14 Anarch, 2 Shaper.
I think 14 Anarch = 12 Whiz, 1 Val & 1 Maxx (becoming 2nd)
I think 2 Shaper = 1 Kate, 1 Hayley
unfortunately all videos where Anarch vs. NBN

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oh right, how could I forget that Ben Ni was on DLR MaxX, duh

Haven’t played since just before the latest MWL.
Why do so many people think hayley will be so rpevalent? Is she jsut the next best thing after anarchs got gutted? What about the enxus/stealth/hyperdriver kate decks?

Also exactly what kind of hayley decks do people think are strongest?

At that time there was a really good Hayley deck. But new cards came and it’s pretty much forgotten now.

Ok, I assume we are talking about cams Hayley here, as pioneered by kiv (this is my version, but it’s close to the original).

It’s a pretty neat deck, and it can be a lot of fun to play, but I don’t think it was ever ‘really good’. This deck is very good at beating people who are unfamiliar with it, aren’t aware of the combo or how powerful the combo is, or are just… not top tier players anyways.

This deck was at peak popularity and strength right before Blood Money came out, so it did make an appearance at gencon. I played it at gencon, and it was quite good on day 1, but it did not win at all on day 2. Better players just don’t lose to slow combo decks like this one.

Maybe if nobody knew what it was it would have done better, but if a deck relies on a surprise, it’s not a very good deck for winning tournaments. A good deck should be able to tell your opponent exactly what you are going to do, but win anyways. Hayley cams was/is a lot of fun, but it was never that level of good/oppressive.