Rabbit hole

Is it? I suppose it might be the case since I’ve never seen it played :).

I think Queen’s Gambit is a pretty good 2-of card in Whizzard. It’s a little matchup-dependent, but the current environment supports it.

You have to be pretty confident that something’s not an agenda or otherwise benefitting from advancement, though, since you can’t access it. Two clicks for 6 and a chance of accidentally giving your opponent a massive boost, not the best feeling. I could see it being better if/when assets come back into the forefront, but it seems all but dead against Making News unless you know that’s a SanSan (in which case, as Whizzard, why haven’t you trashed it?), and once that’s rezzed it’s basically unusable again.

I don’t really see it, especially not out of Whizzard. There’s a lot of anti-synergy between Whizzard’s ability and a card which stops accesses and works best when you scouted a card but couldn’t trash it. Add in that it’s a dead card in your weaker matchups and can lose you the game randomly.

In my environment, assets are already back in the forefront (RP, Red Coats, etc.), and more decks are running defensive upgrades than ever. Queen’s Gambit is pretty strong in that context, though it’s not a three-of because there are a few strong decks that it’s useless against-- Supermodernism and CI being the most obvious ones.

It works well with Whizzard because you can scout someone’s econ asset, say “yep, not an agenda, if they rez it I can just trash later” and then make big money on it.

if you have to scout just to play queen’s gambit its 3 clicks for 6 credits which is not great. one of the only things i like about whizzard is you dont have to make the follow up runs to trash stuff as often. if i run a PAD with a non whizzard runner i might be decide to wait until they rezz it but as whizzard i can save myself the future click and get it on the scout run.