Putting together this input and satisfying my need to have a decklist (or at least to consolidate everything), here’s an example.
Adam: Compulsive Hacker
45 Cards (25/25 Inf)
Event (10)
3 Dirty Laundry
2 Independent Thinking
1 Modded**
1 Stimhack*
3 Sure Gamble
Hardware (7)
2 Brain Chip
1 Clone Chip**
3 E3 Feedback Implants******
1 R&D Interface**
Resource (17)
3 Daily Casts
3 Data Folding
2 Dr. Lovegood
2 Film Critic**
3 John Masanori
2 New Angeles City Hall
2 Scrubber**
Icebreaker (5)
1 Faust**
1 Mimic*
3 Overmind
Program (6)
2 Datasucker**
3 Multithreader
1 Self-modifying Code***
To complement Safety First, I think Modded (and maybe Career Fair) is a good call here. It prevents tempo loss, which is especially helpful for Multithreader, and pulls cards from your hand, allowing for an easier time to draw the free card at the end of your turn. Faust also makes this more common, and may be all you need. As for the hand size, I think we’re fine with Brain Chip.
To help alleviate the downsides of Always Be Running, personally I’m a big fan of Dirty Laundry and Datasucker. Security Testing and Daily Casts are also good ways to generate money without having to click for money again. E3 could help break more than one subroutine if you see something nasty.
To make Neutralize All Threats pack more punch, I think Scrubber is almost a staple here. It conflicts with Security Testing, but since Scrubber is less influence it wins. It will grant you two credits to trash cards while accessing, instead of not accessing at all.
Turns out that 25 influence goes pretty quickly when there are so many possible supplemental cards. It may be the case that Modded/Career Fair do not go well with Faust. Independent Thinking is a great card to find Faust food.