SanSan Cycle Spoilers

Okay. I see what you’re saying now. That’ll work, you just have to find slots in a Midseason deck (which is incredibly tight on slots).

I also just realised it works with FA if you have a spare Biotic (or Astro token). The Runner must install Clot prior to the final advancement, after which you play Biotic, advance and then Cyberdex. Seems too janky to be good, but it’s a possibility.

I understand that you’re not saying Clot is not powerful, what I’ve been trying to say is that as NBN stands now, it hoses the entire faction so hard that it looks unviable (though I’m sure many players would be happy with this turn of events, at least for a while).

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I think we’re reaching a tasty critical mass of card interactions. Even simple things like Drive By have pre-existing wrinkles in their straightforward application, like Psychic Field. Influence splashing is going to get more choice as people shift to more in-faction options, like Day Job. Lots of weird decks are going to start coming out of the woodwork. To varying levels of success, naturally.

And we don’t even know MaxX’s ability yet…


Which I get, but I also… disagree.

It won’t be as viable as it has been, and it might not be the most viable anymore, but I think it’ll still be good. They’ve put out lots of cards recently for NBN that are pretty good… just not for FA stuff. Tagstorm, Scorch, taxation… I dunno what’ll pull ahead on being best, but there’s a lot of stuff to work with being FA, once FA stops being the obvious direction for everything to go in.

I am still awaiting the day that NBN Glacier becomes a thing. They have some of the more interesting ICE.

Honestly, it’s probably a thing right now, I just haven’t seen any lists of people trying it. Maybe I will!


Fair enough, given this argument is very hypothetical.

RP has been very strong for a while, and there doesn’t look to be anything that will change that aside from tournament time limits.


Yeah, NBN has a lot of really cool ICE. I hope they do more with that “trace-on-rez” thing in the style of TMI. Something like: “When you rez foobar, trace(5) - if successful, put a power counter on foobar”. Then either have something that consumes the power counter (like Data Raven’s ability) or provides a constant benefit (like the way Domestic Sleepers is worded).

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I don’t think Cambridge style PE is as heavily affected by Traffic Jam as NBN and it’ll be interesting testing which current suits the deck best. I’ve been wanting to find room for one anyway, this is just forcing my hand. Lag time, ELP and Enhanced Static could play a role. You can pretty much ignore Clot.

I think dedicated kill decks are looking better and better from the spoilers I’ve seen so far. And Glacier, as noted above, is looking very strong moving forward.

NBN will stay at the top even in a post-Clot world.

The only effect Clot is going to have on NBN is them having to drop Fast Tracks for Cyberdex. Now, that alone might be enough to make the NBN match-ups tolerable… but when you think about the ways NEH scores out, there’s easily one spare click for nuking Clot.

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NBN doesn’t have the most taxing ice, but it does have the ability to force open scoring windows, mainly with tag punishment or the threat of tags. It won’t quite be glacier but it could be a lot more interesting.

There is no such thing as a “spare click”. If I can force the corp to spend an extra Biotic and a Cyberdex on scoring (while expending little effort myself), that is huge.

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Sure there is. It’s called “a rezzed SanSan the runner didn’t get to”.

Seriously - NEH regularly scores NAPD from hand. It stands to reason that scoring an Astro/Beale through a Clot won’t be a problem.

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That’s still not a spare click. Having a Clot ready to be installed on the corp’s turn means they need an extra FA tool (+ money) and a Cyberdex Trial to reliably FA their agenda. The corp would very much prefer to have used that money and FA tool on scoring the next agenda instead of this one.

The reason why NEH regularly scores NAPDs out of hand is that they have spare FA tools lying around because they haven’t had to use them because they just rode the Astrotrain up to that point. Needing the extra FA tool, money, and Cyberdex for a reliable first score is going to delay the Astrotrain leaving the station. Ditching Fast Tracks for Cyberdexes is going to make the Astrotrain much less reliable. Finally, interrupting Clots are at least going to force extra FA tools to be used, leaving less wiggle room for things like scoring NAPDs from hand.

Clot isn’t going to straight up kill NEH Astrobiotics, but it is going to make it noticeably less efficient. Is it enough to drop them from tier 1? Not sure.


I feel this happens rarely or the situation is a bit different. NAPD from hand can happen if there are 1-2 Astros scored already. Usually taking NEH to 6 points (and winning with BN soon) or jumping from 5 to 7. Scoring NAPD from hand means that NEH has already used FA to score Astros. Clot stops the early Astros or delays it many turns and that it is where it shines. Not to mention fitting 2-3xCyberdex weakens the deck a lot. I don’t think NEH has have many spare clicks against good runners. Getting 2 advance tokens is also very expensive and needs 2 FA tools.

My prediction is that Clot kills the NEH astrobiotics we see today which I think is a good thing. Even with Cyberdex (which version will be too weak I think) Shaper just installing SMC and Clone Chip is a huge uphill battle. I can’t see NEH being able to score from hand in that situation. I still think NEH will be good just because of 17 inf and a good ability but the decks have to adapt.

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I’ve generally been running Cerebral Static in my PE decks as the match-up against Noise is a little rough. Plus, it’s just fun to watch a Kit player’s face when they realize that they’re going to be playing a crappier version of Kate for a while.

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BL + SanSan/APP token is a heck of an investment, though, and if you’re able to crap all over the early-game trolololo APP scores, then it gets harder.

I agree with this. I bet NBN will get some interesting new cards/ID to help them get in on the tax or rush games… it is called the SanSan Cycle, after all—AND WHO RUNS SANSAN? NBN DO, THATS WHO.


So, I’m not sure I understand how Crick works. How can I install a card (on the runner’s turn) if the install requirement is paying a click for install?

Same as Architect and Minelayer. Installing is merely the act of playing a card. The corp and runner both have the option to pay a click to install, but installing doesn’t necessarily require a click.


Now that APP/Biotic/SanSan has a direct counter. When are we going to see our hard Caprice counter!

A player who enjoys actually running.

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Unregistred gun is pretty hard counter to caprice.

Pretty hard to play counter, you mean.