SanSan Cycle Spoilers

That’s a very good point, because you can rez/trash Batty before the runner gets priority back to SMC their Deus X or anything like that.

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So, Marcus Batty enables a completely unfeasible, but really funny infinite combo.
You have a rezzed Architect protecting an unrezzed Breaker Bay Grid and Marcus Batty. The runner runs the remote with <4 credits, you rez an Alix T4LB07 in a sufficiently protected remote, rez the Grid and Batty, and then make infinite credits next turn. (Timing issues might require another Batty in Archives, I’m not sure.)


Yet another “death to Nasir” card :cry:


Don’t cry! We’re getting film critic!


You also need a breaker bay grid in the architect server to complete the combo. Now to figure out how you’re actually gonna win the game after you go off with this…

Dracos on R&D, HQ and a scoring remote. Pump to ridiculous strength and still have enough to outtrace the runner each time.

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Correct - but you need it in that server in particular, but not in Alix’s remote (As long as you can rez her).

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D4av1d still gives the runner a shot

Quite clearly Midseason into Psycho Beale. For say, Graham’s number?


Courtesy of spoiler-ken:

Weyland Barrier
4 to rez, STR 2
-> ETR
-> ETR
-> ETR
2 influence.

Welp. Hurts Lady, as taxing as Bastion is to Corroder, dies to parasite, continues Weyland’s theme of paying sliiightly too much for what their Ice does, still worth running for many decks.


have this what we become? have we really stooped to MTG level wherein no card is truly good if it “dies to doom blade”?

I’m disappointed in the community. Very, very disappointed. I have walked the surface of cards. I have seen card effects so small and vanilla they could have said to have not occured at all. But you are just a community, and this earth’s Netrunner community means no more to me than its MTG community as long as they share these outright card dismissals.

Okay, I might’ve been carried away there.


Dies to Parasite [easily].

It dies to Parasite easier than similarly costed ICE such as Bastion, and dies far easier than Viktor 2.0 for example.

It’s silly to say it’s bad because it dies to Parasite, but the fact it dies to Parasite easily is a pretty big deal. Ignoring that is the folly, here.


Everything ‘dies to parasite’ except Lotus and Architect.
But there’s a world of difference between ‘I will solve Komainu with Parasite’ and ‘I will solve Wormhole with Parasite’. :smile:
STR2 is juuust low enough for it to be an easy burn, unlike Eli.


Depends on whether or not your ice suite is already weak to parasites. If it is, adding more low strength doesn’t do it any favours. If the rest of your suite is like 3x Lotus, 3x Architect, 3x Curtain Wall, then you can afford a cheap barrier that dies to parasite.

Also you might have an id that makes it more difficult to parasite things (blue sun)

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BORING. Come on FFG, throw us Weylanders a bone. Give us something NASTY to facecheck, for once :stuck_out_tongue:


Basically competes with hive, right? Probably better than hive outside blue sun, but worse in blue sun.


This is basically a Hive replacement?

Pay inf for that.

5 for 3 STR and 5 subs prior to any scores is nothing to laugh at.
Nor is even 3 str and 3 subs after your first score.

IMO, just keep running Hive if you are. It’s an alternative, not an outright replacement. Many cheap early game ‘get in for cheap’ tricks don’t work vs 5 sub ICE (sucks to be you, Femme!)

But, relevantly, this doesn’t stop being useful after your second score. It’s one of the first taxing ice Weyland has that doesn’t either give BP, stop being taxing, or cost you more the first time than them.

It’s not super exciting necessarily, but I think this is a solid addition to another style of Weyland and/or just their startlingly shallow (at times) pool of decent in-faction ice.

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