Stimhack League Top 4 Stream with Dan D'Argenio and Timmy Wong, Sunday 2/8, 2PM EST

Hey guys, just wanted to give everyone a heads up: This coming Sunday at 2PM EST (until about 6PM) the playoff finals of the 2nd Stimhack league will be going on. Worlds top 3 competitor Timmy Wong, @tmoiynmwg, and I will be casting the games on the official Stimhack Twitch channel: Twitch

Congratulations to our Top 4 competitors, @JohnnyCreations, @bblum, @RotomAppliance, and @lpoulter! Hope to see everyone for the stream!


Noooooo! I’ll be playing in a Store Championship that day. I’ll have to avoid spoilers and find some time to watch it after the fact.

The tournament format will be round-robin, each pair of players playing a full match; so there will be 12 games total. Ties in the end will be resolved by seed (i.e., ELO).

Now I just gotta put the final touches on my custom biotics and my professor monolith decks…


Unfortunately I’ll still be using this old laptop when this happens, which will mean some lag and the need to restart after a few games. Hasn’t crashed OCTGN yet though.

Are there going to be 2 games going on at once (I imagine so) or will they all be one at a time?

Also been assuming 2 games at a time, otherwise I expect it to go rather late into the night where I am

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damn I’ll be at work, I"ll have to catch the archives =(

Are you streaming both games at once somehow? How will this work?

Yes some of play order/timetable makes sense. Order of seeds seems good. Each round is two games each, corp/runner.

R1.Me Vs bblum, Johnny Vs Roto
R2. Me Vs Johnny, bblum Vs Roto
R3. Me Vs Roto, bblum Vs Johnny

Sound good? @RotomAppliance @bblum @JohnnyCreations @mediohxcore


That sounds fine to me, just curious how @mediohxcore will work the streaming. Will the two games each round be played at the same time?

Also, do we need to submit decklists to Dan or @Argamas beforehand? I’m under the assumption that we have to play the same decks throughout the tourney.

Yeah me too so submitting decklists beforehand makes alot of sense.

Submit decks to Argamas. I’ll stream one of each rounds games. One game in each round will not be streamed. I’ll try to get everyone in on it at least once.


Would there be any interest in having another person be spectating the other games to record them for future commentating? Or would that be too much hassle?


Not a bad idea!

Testing the idea watching a random game on OCTGN and using OBS. It appears that it should work out just fine just capturing the content locally.

yep easy to do

I got 3 out of 4 sets of decklists… @JohnnyCreations is slacking as usual… :tongue:

I can say we got some nice tuned decklists, very excited for tonight

God damn that is a frightening one.


We just need an emote for Eater now.

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Everyone get on Skype so we can have an organizational chat.

Please post your skype name here or add me, (mediohxcore).