Interesting points about installing kati turn one. I’ve played against alot of @Cerberus blood angel this weekend so the plastcrete seemed better than the kati money.
coming from the resident RP guy =)
We had a guy win our toughest field SC (three Worlds top 17 players, @Paranoid, @Nordrunner, @gumOnShoe) with NEH. Had 3 Tricks, 3 Asteroid Belt, 1 Wormhole. Great meta call, as that ICE is a nice counter to Siphon and Eater. SfSS does double duty, ToL costs less INF than Biotic, and you can Fast Track an agenda from deck without a hot SanSan (Astro counter and ToL).
I was impressed, but that doesn’t take much.
Well done, all! Troll deck FTW.
I thought you meant that a deck with Troll in it did really well…
Congrats to Bblum, great performance over so many games. It’s great we can get this going over here at Stimhack, a true community!
Congrats to bblum!
PS I’m still wondering how ITD works in practice. Never seen anybody being able to rez it against my noise. And I don’t even play siphons. If runner applies pressure how corp can build extra remote (in which he cannot score) with 2 ice depth(to protect from inside job), be able to spend two more credits on rez ITD and whole turn to boost it up to three. So at least you spend 3 extra cards, 6 clicks, (2+1+rez cost of 2 ices-etf discount)credits = huge amount of resources. And you can do it only after you rez ices on centrals(and they did not parasited, eated). It is huge gap and I’m not sure that using this gap into ITD is good idea. If you are so rich, at this point you may be could score already.
Tl;Dr I think that ITD is winmore card and it is not good, IMHO.
Congrats to Bblum for staying at the top of the league for a long time and eventually winning the thing and congrats to all 4 since they top4ed the most competitive league out there.
Sometimes I think that SHL has a meta on its own, a meta that actually affects the whole game, even outside of the league. And this is really something great to be part of.
P.S. Watched the final games at 01:00 in the night (Greece), on a laptop on the couch and the newborn on my lap. I hope that some of the skill in these games found its way to the baby
If the corp plays to make the lock every game, then it is win more. But I view it as glacier’s version of sansan, a high cost must-trash asset that creates scoring windows when the runner comes to kill it. The real trick is recognizing when the lock is available vs when to play normal glacier and building a deck that can do both (hence my ice suite, i.e., grails suck). The “huge amount of resources” you say it takes to get up and running always trade for the runner’s resources in situations where they kill it. If they pay for your elis/tollbooths, counter boosts, and 4 trash cost, you just plop a beta test behind the same ice. If not, you make the lock.
And like I said vs noise, ITD hardly matters and you win on the strength of the 5 anarch-hate ice. But I was not prepared for valencia who had davids, mediums, and 6 shaper tutoring cards all together.
Yeah ITD was a lowlife play, but I don’t blame you @bblum. I mean, I blame you for playing the deck, but I still think you are fine human being, all things considered. I mostly feel bad because they are super boring games and made for very unfun streaming, I’m sure.
Mostly I’m upset at my Breaking News play the game before. I gave that game away for sure.
Yeah, the breaking news was super telegraphed (my guess was 2nd astro, looking to have 2 astro counters to reclaim the lead, but same effect). I wasn’t going to come into HQ again the turn after legworking, not with a half-empty lady and no cards in hand left for refilling her.
I was just lucky you took so long to find the 2nd astro, giving me enough time to find legwork. Hence the desperate single-access run the turn prior.
I even told my friends earlier “That double Quandary server isn’t safe because he has another Cyber-Cypher”
Then I just forgot that and was afraid of another Legwork.
That 1 credit made the next 90 of them worthless.
Finally had time to watch this. Congrats to the entire top 4 and to @bblum!