So my flat mate has been wrecking me with @CJFM’s sync build (i think its cj’s anyway) and so iv thrown a list together. I think its good serious legs in the current meta, having a strong rush ability and, as long as you get enough money down, serious tag punishment in the form of psychographics. Whats better tag punishment than winning the game?
QPM i think is going to be ridiculous as well, even with DLR mill.
So here’s my take on it, i dropped the celebrity gift and threw in Turnpikes because i god damn love that ice.
I’d love to find the money for an Information Overload as well, but i think unless the midseason hits thats a slot wasted.
I first saw this on @kiv’s Youtube page. I agree; I think it’s really strong. This list went 4-1 at the weekend (its only loss was when it just spat out 4 agendas in 6 accesses to the runner on turn two or three). I’m not sure you need/want Biotic given Clot hurts it badly; I might add a SanSan/Midseason to this list though.
SYNC: Everything, Everywhere (Data and Destiny)
Agenda (10)
3x AstroScript Pilot Program (Core Set)
1x Project Beale (Future Proof)
1x 15 Minutes (Data and Destiny)
3x Quantum Predictive Model (Data and Destiny)
2x Global Food Initiative (Data and Destiny) ••
Asset (7)
3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves)
1x Lily Lockwell (Data and Destiny)
3x News Team (Data and Destiny)
2x biotics was probably more than needed, i think 1x is good as it reduces the reliance on psycho, but archived mem does so much work in a list like this. Also, going to 1x biotic opened up the inf for a 3rd blue level.
Iv swapped restructure for a closed accounts as in @Dragar’s list. I think a lot of the pieces in this deck are about the difference in credits between runner and corp, rather than absolute credits, so closed accounts makes more sense.
With this being out of SYNC rather than TWiY, Celeb Gift is way better than Blue Level. Not being able to play BLC turn 1 without discarding hurts, and you’re no longer reliant on Midseasons so you don’t need to dig for pieces quite so hard.
I think both lists here need more Beale though, the flexibility of being able to score it for 2 or 4+ points trumps the slightly reduced density of more Foods. 3 astro 3 beale 1 food 3 QPM would be my spread for a list like this (and is what I played in a similar TWiY build I took for a random ID tournament last weekend, only losing to a Ken running Film Critic and NACH)
Also, Lily is AWESOME. Find room for her. Breaks R&D lock while still giving you a full 3 clicks to use, tutors Psychographics or closed accounts, is generally a badass.
I think lily is a good shout, but im nervous with 44 cards changing the agenda density even a little. I could be overthinking it though, i guess between 9 agendas and 10 there may not be a lot in it?
Regarding BLC - on the contrary i think the draw makes it much better than gift, albeit you get less money. You probably dont want to be playing it turn 1, but every turn after that i think its pretty strong.
been running @CJFM’s deck off nrdb for a bit, and I have to say the GFI’s are a critical part of the strategy.combined with QPM’s un-stealability and negative points from news team, the idea is to leave yourself with a deck that has startlingly few points in it for the runner to steal (right off the bat, 6 of your 18 points basically can’t be stolen). psycho is a very significant threat even if you’re “just” scoring 3 pointers or astros - given that it’s extremely common to have one or two QPMs scored for “free,” it often just takes one score once the runner goes tag-me to win.
I realise the strategy, I just don’t think GFI over Beale is correct for it. 3 beale 1 GFI gives you 2 more stealable points, sure, but it also gives you 3 more agendas you’re capable of scoring even if the runner manages to avoid tags, and a quicker way to win once they do go tag-me. In the 9 agenda version the runner only has to steal one Astro and you need to score every single other 3/x agenda in the deck if they sit back and camp the remote for a Food.
I really like this version because it has various ways to score. The problem I faced was that if a player played very smart and didn’t float any tags, it’d be very hard to land Psychographics. Biotic is great for starting Astrocentipede. Midseason replacements is a card that seems very situational as a 1-of but eats too much space if you include more than one in a deck. ASH is just great for pushing out stuff in your remote behind the taxing pieces of ICE and Resistor, I must say, is totally baller.
@Vapo I agree that maybe a Beale is probably correct over GFI, as I’ve been in a few situations where scoring the Food got really difficult. I’ve dropped the Midseasons entirely from my current list, too. If the runner is not bothering running unadvanced remotes, you can always put the kitty behind a raven to see if they’ll check it. Sometimes they know you do this, so you can actually sneak out a Food this way – and in these cases it starts to feel a bit like Cambridge PE guessing games.
The toughest matchup I’ve had so far is Gabe, who can just clear tags with the money he gets from running HQ, and Sneakdoor is a great way to just ignore a large chunk of my ice.
I’ve gone up to two Fast Track and added the 15 minutes. Frequently, I was having trouble getting the last point when runners were going tag me. You can 15 minutes retrieval, Biotic, Fast Track, install, psycho for 2.
Here’s the updated list:
Sync Psychobiotics
Agenda (9)
1 15 Minutes
3 AstroScript Pilot Program
3 Global Food Initiative•••
2 Quantum Predictive Model