Taking Community Temperature on Faust

Don’t get me started.


but then again if we had an engine that understood the game, deckbuilding choices and probabilities well enough to give an accurate evaluation of the position, we would also learn of at least a dozen tier 1 archetypes us mere humans had no idea existed.


You know what, all we really need is a weyland defensive upgrade that deals meat damage to the runner in order to access a card. Faust would go away real fast then.




Boo, checkpoint is asstastic.


Faust doesn’t use credits. BP is irrelevant. I was mostly saying that that effect should be the upgrade though.

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I’ve been playing Cybernetics Division to try to mess with Faust. Results have varied from “hey look this almost worked!” to “what am I doing with my life?”

So far my best results have been kill decks, primarily Jinteki. Snare and Junebug are often times enough to trip them up that they don’t recognize what I’m doing in my remotes.

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Fixed round lengths are kind of inefficient in a game where one match can very easily take 10 times as long as another due to the game’s mechanics. Maybe a hectic “jam some games” format would more efficiently use a tournament’s limited time and balance slow/fast decks. Randomly pair players, as soon as you finish a match or even just a game, you report results and sit in a “waiting pool” where you are paired with another player who has not played you yet as soon one is available, skipping the selectivity of Swiss in favor of just gathering as much data as possible. Calculate standings based on win %, and use total games played as a tiebreaker. No time limit on games. Play them until they finish.


I’m picking up what you’re putting down. I would prefer that to be the case. Even if that upgrade was illicit, I’d still play it. (Just make it trash 6 or something)

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Are anarchs running Yog (or any other decoder) with Faust? Be honest.

Very few anarchs I’ve seen have installed any decoder; they’ve all been managing codegates with Faust, David, and Parasite. Lots of players keep saying that Yog is important, but very few seem to actually be slotting it.

I cut Yog in my deck even before MWL because there were so few low-strength code gates in my meta (because of Yog), I certainly don’t want to add it back with an added influence cost.

use ELO

Honestly though, mumba virtual tour is pretty interesting in weyland, opening up a credit disparity to launch the sea source for the kill…

I honestly can say I’ve been feeling exhausted of the game as of late due to the prevalence of Faust. Its in every deck, every game, and honestly feels like ‘gaming’ the way ‘honest’ netrunner is played. I believe Faust is a problem, but I don’t know if banning it is the correct call, or even errata’ing it is. I’d like to see it hated out properly, and to hell with the “more silver bullets” argument. There’s only so much room in the clip.

Now…back to Hayley.


What is the correct way to hate out Faust without hating on all AI breakers, without printing silver bullets?

What I’m saying is, I’m fine with more silver bullets. That said, having ice that require credits to break subroutines, or requiring a type of icebreaker to be installed or something. I’m no game designer :stuck_out_tongue:

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So cards like Tollbooth and Wraparound?

Perhaps even other ICE with the notable downsides providing the runner with extra credits (that don’t help Faust) as a tradeoff to their otherwise very high strength and powerful subroutines like Illicit ICE?

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Make more non trashable ice, or ice that cant be broken by AI without being total crap.

I’d be happy if FFG would just give Weyland one piece of anti-AI ice. That’d be a nice start. I’d even be quiet about it being one influence, so others could play with it too.

“???” Str 4, code gate" if a subroutine is broken by an AI breaker, do 3 meat damage".


Eli 2.0

Eli 2.0 cannot be trashed while installed.
ICE: Barrier - Bioroid • Rez: 2 • Strength: 3 • Influence: 2
The Runner may spend to 2 clicks break up to 2 subroutines on Eli 2.0.
-> End the run.


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