Top Competitive Decks Post O&C

I’m playing pretty much the same list, and it’s been doing a great deal of work for me as well!

markus 1.08 ?! no wonder this list is doing well. its playing with the bioroid upgrade equivalent of snow leopard :slight_smile: i really miss eli and pup and in the grail lists so im going to give this a whirl.

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God, I miss not-mavericks

I ran the Niles build at the Madison, WI SC. It’s super-strong, but the Grailz build is tough, as well.

RP is just good all around.

Hey all, anyone have a good NEH Grail list atm? Looking for a starting point and I haven’t seen any lists around. Thanks

The grass is always grailer on the other side

Near-Earth Hub: Broadcast Center (Upstalk)

Agenda (11)
3x AstroScript Pilot Program (Core Set)
2x Breaking News (Core Set)
3x NAPD Contract (Double Time)
3x Project Beale (Future Proof)

Asset (8)
2x Daily Business Show (All That Remains)
3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves)
3x Marked Accounts (Cyber Exodus)

Upgrade (3)
3x SanSan City Grid (Core Set)

Operation (10)
2x Biotic Labor (Core Set) [color=#8A2BE2]••••• •••[/color]
1x Closed Accounts (Core Set)
1x Fast Track (Honor and Profit)
3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
3x Sweeps Week (True Colors)

Barrier (6)
3x Galahad i[/i] [color=#708090]•••[/color]
3x Wraparound (Fear and Loathing)

Code Gate (8)
1x Enigma (Core Set)
3x Merlin (All That Remains) [color=#708090]•••[/color]
3x Pop-up Window (Cyber Exodus)
1x Quandary (Double Time)

Sentry (3)
3x Lancelot (First Contact) [color=#708090]•••[/color]
17 influence spent (max 17)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to All That Remains

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

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Excellent! Thanks! How has this deck been working for you? Any advice for piloting?

Hi guys, anyone have a good BS glacier build?

Just go to NetrunnerDB and search for Blue Sun decks that have won store championships. You’ll find easily find enough that way.

Like this one: Game Kastle SC Store Champ 2015 First Place Corp · NetrunnerDB

Any NEH Grail with two Biotic is working well for the player. :wink:

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Thank you!
I’m too lazy to search for list…
ATM testing something like this:
Blue Sun: Powering the Future

Agenda (9)
1x Corporate War
3x NAPD Contract
2x Priority Requisition
3x Project Atlas

Asset (6)
1x Adonis Campaign ••
2x Executive Boot Camp
3x Jackson Howard •••

Upgrade (4)
2x Ash 2X3ZB9CY ••••
2x Crisium Grid

Operation (10)
3x Hedge Fund
1x Interns
3x Oversight AI
3x Restructure

Barrier (8)
3x Curtain Wall
2x Hive
3x Ice Wall

Code Gate (7)
2x Datapike
2x Lotus Field ••
2x Tollbooth ••••
1x Wormhole

Sentry (4)
2x Caduceus
2x Errand Boy

Multi (1)
1x Orion

Is it worth to play without SE?

our very own @bblum pioneered BS Glacier. go to his nrdb profile for lists

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Thank you, kind sir.

The secret really is Daily Business Show. I took them out for Crisium Grid as my LGS tends to run a lot of anarchs. I teched for the anarch hate and honestly I really missed the DBS. I still ended up taking third, but DBS would have made the games much easier.

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This is my latest, except it should play a 3rd datapike. Whether to cut the wormhole or orion for it is your call.

If you wanna play a scorch package, the cards to cut are (pick 4 out of 5 among) 1 bootcamp, 1 interns, 1 crisium, and 2 ice. Cut either 1 tollbooth or both lotuses to make 2 inf for 1 SEA source.

I suppose I should write an article about this deck someday huh…


I play one OTG to complement my crisiums. Its not always going to fit the board state, but sometimes the two just shut the game DOWN

I think HB rush/FA is pretty well positioned in the meta. You get to run 3 Architect for free, which is nice. The biggest thing I’ve been waffling over is how many Jacksons versus DBS, and whether I run NAPDs or SfSS and EC. EC doesn’t protect itself, but man, once you get one scored, EC tokens and SfSS are just dumb together. I had a game the other night where I scored 4 points in one turn off of that from only 5 credits.

Thank you for a list.
Is it enough to have just 2 Ice Wall?

I took down Mead Hall SC with an HB FA deck. I think SfSS is worth it with EC. In that deck, I am running 2 Jacksons and 2 DBS. Getting a DBS is awesome early in the game and really accelerates the game state pushing it into the mid-game.

Eater is essentially the same as Gordion Blade for code gates, so is your point that it’s not a Cyber Cypher?

For the barriers you mentioned, sure they are problems, but they are problems for many decks. And the solution for Eater decks is knifed.

I don’t think eater is more efficient or less, just equally. Instead of filling your deck with multiple copies of several programs and SMC/CC recursion, you’re using multiple copies of one program, compensating with cutlery/singularity/etc.