Untested/Non-competitive Decklist MegaThread

Its the landing that 1st overwriter which is going to be a problem. Against that ID i would be tempted to hit HQ and RND really hard and ignore facedowns unless i was sure it was an agenda, especially with so few agendas i know for most of the game where they are going to be.

Updated taking Omer’s suggestions on board as well as some feedback from the guys in my meta.

*lol, managed to reply to myself…

Chronos Shutdown v2

Chronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping (The Universe of Tomorrow)

Agenda (10)

Asset (13)

Upgrade (3)

Operation (8)

Barrier (3)

Code Gate (6)

Sentry (6)

15 influence spent (max 15)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Universe of Tomorrow

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

Needs more ETR to take advantage of trashing breakers, and is very light on econ. MHCs should definitely be Celeb Gifts for a start, and crick seems pretty weak when you’re not RP. What’s the Ronin for?

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Ronin for disruption, i think its probably a bit weak to be honest, out of place at least. Econ is definitely light, MHC i think is fine as your not interested in the kill, your interested in getting good cards in the bin to lock the game out with blacklist. But it does need more econ to support most of the deck. I think as a 2nd draft its still pretty sketchy.

I worked on this a bit more since this list went up, will try and post later. I think something with Grail + Hostile Infrastructure (as this fires when the runner kills ICE with parasite, something Grail suffers from) could be an interesting avenue to take.

MHC will just get trashed, you’re not RP any more. You’re taxing breakers not econ, they’ll be sat on stacks of cash wondering how to get in if you’re doing it right. Restructure might be a good call, chances are people are gonna sit back a bit against Chronos so they can play out key cards without getting them sniped, giving you more time than normal to get up to 10 before you start having to rez too much.

Grail + hostiles is an interesting idea but will need even more econ, those hostiles don’t come cheap.


Yeah actually good point about MHC. Ops econ maybe, find some inf for extra draw above jackson. Gotta shake the RP mindset when building other with other Jinteki IDs!!

-3 MHC
-1 Ronin
-1 Shock
-1 Hokusai

+3 Celeb Gift
+2 Restructure
+1 Subliminal

Seems like a good starting point for econ, and maybe -2 Crick +1 Enigma +1 Lotus field for ice.

Edit: change to 2 Restructure/1 Subliminal. That card should do really good work here.


Theres already a subliminal in there, you suggesting two?

Yeah, you wanna see it early, and by mid game you only get the odd turn where people don’t run so being able to scoop more than 1 back is handy. 3rd restructure might be better, but i don’t like having too much econ you can’t reliably play turn 1-2.

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Cool, yeah thats a good idea. It works really well with neural emp/shutdown too.

One thing that troubles me is using blacklist as the lockout, im tempted to include nisei so there are two avenues for lock but i think that could just be RP thinking.

Yeah nisei is a terrible fit. If they can get in your scoring remote once, they can just do it again. Forget everything you know about RP, this isn’t the same beast at all.


OK so a 3rd WIP draft i think looks something like this:

There is more econ, iv not attempted hostiles yet and iv gone for MRF instead of gift, as your completely right the idea isnt to worry about how much money the runner has if they dont have the right cards to do anything with it.

There are 2x ICE slots i cant decide on, it would be great to be able to inflict the 1 net dmg (as its only once a turn the ID ability fires) at least once every turn, runner and corp, but im thinking going too all in on net dmg ICE is the wrong call, more ETR feels right.

Chronos Shutdown WIP

Chronos Protocol: Selective Mind-mapping (The Universe of Tomorrow)

Agenda (10)

Asset (9)

Upgrade (2)

Operation (13)

Barrier (3)

  • 3x Eli 1.0 (Future Proof) •••

Code Gate (5)

Sentry (5)

15 influence spent (max 15)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
47 cards (min 45)
Cards up to The Universe of Tomorrow

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

In a trash program/Breaker sniping philosophy, you should really replace your Eli for Wraparound, or at least play a couple of Bako. Even without breakers, you can still click through Eli.


Yeah of course! I didnt think of that but that’s so obvious now you say it, thanks :smile:

] Also, your Fundraiser should clearly be Gift instead. The issue isn’t about giving money to the runner to break your ice (you don’t really care about that) but you do care about how fast your opponent can set up and giving 3 creds is a huge deal.

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Hmm thats a good point. My concern is that there is very little to punish if you relinquish hidden information, apart from 2x shocks.

Regarding the ICE suite, i adjusted the barriers like this, i think it balances better, what do you think?

Barrier (5)

Code Gate (5)

Sentry (5)

With 2 Bako, I think you could probably keep 2 Eli as well, 4 hard ETR barrier is a bit overkill, especially since Wraparound is strictly inferior to Bako if the runner has a breaker on board.
I also think 15 ICEs isn’t enough. You should probably add at least 2 if not 3 more ICEs. Also, not having pup is clearly a bad idea. Comparatively to RP, the runner can’t let himself hit by a net damage.

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Iv heard arguments for and against pup, my first instinct was to include it as i thought that it would be net dmg that would never be taken, unless all the runner had in hand was cards they didn’t care about, but being able to avoid the net dmg by paying through it seems counter synergistic with the ID. I dont know many decks that wont be able to gather the 2-4c to make pup irrelevant when i think about how little the remaining ICE taxes.

Regarding the number of ICE, i am also uncomfortable with 15, my thinking was Hokusai grid is in effect another early game ICE, when the runner isnt going to be keen on losing potentially key cards.

No idea if you’ve been doing it, but remember you can use this ID on OCTGN. It’s a little buggy if I remember right (had a friend who tried it out), but it’s totally do-able. Should probably ask permission or something, though.

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I intend to be proxy-ing the living shit out of this ID as soon as the quinns intercity tournament is done with :smile: