Export deck via email (easily send deck list at a tourney).
Filter cards by Faction.
Filter cards by Type.
Filter cards by Influence.
Sort by Title/Faction/Type/Alphabetically.
Expansions can be selected/deselected so you can easily pick cards you own.
After creating deck you can browse and select cards.
All cards have art (tap to view).
While picking cards you see deck statistics (Number of cards in deck, Minimum Cards in deck, Faction Cost, Ice/Asset/Operation/Upgrade/Asset, Event/Hardware/Resource/Program).
Awesome! Been wanting someone to put one out there. I know Android users already have an app or two, so I was getting pretty jelly.
Edit: One bit of feedback; Is there any way you could implement a way to long press a deck, then be able to drag it around, so you can organize your list of decks? Similar to how you move around apps on iOS?
This looks awesome I dont have an ios device personally, but 100% back this. For ages iv wanted a deck builder on my phone, although the netrunnerdb.com mobile site is really, really good. It would be amazing to have something offline.
Thanks for making the app, we’ve definitely needed a decent deckbuilder for iOS! I like how colourful it is and it’s easy to use. One minor complaint is I’d like to be able to sort the cards in a list by card type rather than by card set number.
Also if there was an ability to draw test opening hands from a list that would also be super useful!
Downloaded and installed!
If I can make a suggestion, I’d love some integration with Dropbox. Thus, I could load/save decks from/into it.
Many thanks for the app and good luck with it!
I’ve been using NetDeck for a while now, as it links up with netrunnerdb.com and it works well. However, xxbic’s Deck Builder looks much more visually appealing, so I’ll be sure to give that whirl.
Just a couple of minor usability issues and nice to haves from a few minutes playing with it (sorry I do QA and some product work, feel free to ignore) -
When you are looking at a card it would be nice to be able to swipe the card up or back from middle of card (rather than from off screen left) to get back to the list since most iOS users are trained for that behavior.
It would be nice to be able to see the identity card from the deck list page.
An option to download and store locally the card art for constructed decks. (I was on an airplane and it would have been nice, as a newer player, to read the cards over in my deck).
Maybe rather than “My Cards” on the deck builder page, import the deck name since that was already required.
Link up with netrunnerdb decks
Those are all minor nitpicks on a very nice and visually appealing app! Great job!
@Callisto Sadly netdeck is iPad only, I like that this one works on my phone. Makes killing time while waiting much more pleasant.