US Nationals - Gen Con

I know you said in you overview of it on NetrunnerDB that you didn’t like certain aspects of it, such as the Lady being too costly, and the Faerie being your only way of dealing with Sentries. What tweaks would you make if you were to continue on with this deck?

The current iteration I’m running drops the sacrificial constructs for 2 cloak, one lockpick for a dagger, the atman for a third clone chip, the Akatmatsus for Cybersolutions, and then a third modded on top of everything for a total of 46 cards. It’s a more expensive rig and I’m not yet sold on cloak/dagger, but it allows for a bit more staying power into late game if they do get a sentry rezzed.

Here are the decks I brought – very close to decks by @bblum, @Calimsha and @tmoiynmwg

I’m glad I could represent Valencia in the top 16 – I think I was the only regular Anarch to make the cut.

I took NEH because I didn’t have enough time to practice a new corp, July was a very busy month. I knew it would do well up until elimination where I hoped I wouldn’t have to corp against @anon50033301 or @lucasli, who are monsters at Kate. Unfortunately, 2nd round of Winner’s Bracket brought me up against Lucas and while I had a decent start, I saw no Astros to take advantage of it and he promptly knocked me down :smiley:


If you’re looking for innovation, don’t look at my lists haha. I ran the same Andysucker list I’ve ran since the dawn of man with a Stimhack for surprise value. I ran a HB FA thingy with the NEXT suite and BBGs and Sansans, cuz why not. I don’t think either decks are actually good right now, they just fit my play style.

Also the HB deck has about a 0.3% chance of winning against a good Faust Noise player (two of my three Corp losses for the tournament). That would have been nice to test against beforehand.


Yeah, Next Falls apart to Noise. But with more robust ice, I think Rush/FA HB is one of the best anti-Noise decks right now.

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The funny thing is that I’m actually okay against most Anarchs with the NEXT suite. It’s only about half my ICE, and the tempo it imposes by disincentivizing runs lets me get a bit cheeky. Also Noise lists running the Anarch suite and/or Atman don’t pillage me too bad.

It’s just the combination of Medium + Faust coupled with Noise mills that make it neigh on impossible for me. My NEXT Gold and/or Ichi 2.0 never hit with Faust on the board (Ichi 2.0 hit at least twice against other Anarchs), and they basically just walk into R&D until they win. The only piece of ICE In the deck that slows them down is the 1 Tollbooth and that either gets milled or doesn’t show up. I’d love suggestions on more robust ICE that is cost effective (also preferably doesn’t get laughed at by Kate like Wall of Static)!

2 Turing, 2 Tollbooth, 3 Architect, 2 Ichi, 3 Eli is my default base and it’s good against Noise. It’s tough to add ‘good’ ice to that, that is useful against Kate and Noise. Ichi and Eli are great against Noise for R&D. Adding a few Wall of Static is good enough to force a barrier breaker to be installed, and holds up a bit longer against Parasite than NEXT Silver. But almost all barriers are useless when Kate installs Lady, in my experience. A single Enigma is not a bad call.

You’re right that Gold and Ichi 2.0 are useless in both of these matchups. You need to be able to rush and tax, and half of the time you’re playing mind games to win with the remote. But that’s easier against Noise, who pays a bigger price than Kate to get in.

Every deck needs a Cyberdex now.


Thanks so much to everyone I met and played in GenCon, and thanks to all the congrats.

Will drop my decklist here and I’m still working on the tournament report.

Astrobiotics - 1st place philly regionals · NetrunnerDB (yes I directly copied @bblum 's decklist because it works sooooooo good for me)


This sounds like a job for Dr. Batty! Trash X programs for the cost of a psi game, then do X net damage for the win! (Unless they have a cloneasite and 4 ds counters, in which case gg.)

Just make sure Datasucker is one of the X programs trashed :slight_smile:

The problem is that against anarch, X is rarely greater than 2.

NEXT ice decks need to do aggressive beta testing against anarch, especially Noise, because you’re likely losing the long game even if you have Batty. It’s still not a great matchup though, yeah.

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I play 3 Eli, 3 Architect, and 1 Tollbooth. Ichi 1.0 I feel is as soft as it ever has been, so I cut them altogether. I went back to IQ over Turing and that has felt much better against Anarch in general. The problem is what you play after these more common choices. There really isn’t anything that great, so the NEXT suite is often times not worse than the other choices (and sometimes way better). This was kinda my point in that there isn’t really much more “robust” ICE right now. It’s pretty deflating. I’m with you that every deck needs Cyberdex, and I have two.

I still don’t feel like there’s a really good answer in HB right now for ICE and that’s pretty upsetting since good ICE is traditionally why I play HB.


[quote=“Squash957, post:255, topic:4533”]
Ichi 1.0 I feel is as soft as it ever has been, so I cut them altogether
[/quote]i think it’s so interesting that you say this. sometimes i feel the same way and right now everyone is all over Ichi. good to know i’m not the only one :grin:


Gratulations for you finish!
HallucinogenicApplesauce played Whizzard with NRE and Clone Chips, so you were not totally alone.

& this is supposed to mean… >.>
wut exactly

It was just an observation. The other Anarchs in the top cut were siphon or Noise, not a “reg ass” Anarch using a normal breaker suite. I found it worth mentioning as Whizzard and MaxX with that shell have been very popular and successful elsewhere and some people were asking what the builds were in the top 16.

Hey, my list uses Mimic and Corroder. That’s like most of a regular breaker suite :slight_smile:


@pacer Everyone knows Noise is the OG mini faction runner :wink:


Waits for someone to post Kim

I think Kyle from Dallas was piloting a good stuff anarch Whizzard in T16