Valencia, the combo Anarch?

Thanks for the pointers! Good advice all round, much appreciated.

Agree on econ. First had 3 Armitages but then worrying about all the clicks replaced it with Daily Casts. Did not feel good about that. So thinking along these revisions:

-2 PVP and replace with 2 LA (or all the LA for Armitages - will have to experiment; I usually run 3 in all my other Anarch builds because I can recover from beinf broke easier. With 3 LF that should not be too big of a concern);

  • 3 PA and replace with 1 extra LF and 2 Special Order.

The Planned Assualts were there to initially take advantage of the utensils, blackmail and legworks - find/play as required/needed/situational…So for the influence two Special Orders can be added to help tutor that at least guarantees more consistent setups. That means I can probably drop the Duggars to 2 - still think you want to setup asap - for Amped/Stim Dealer (again experiment - but leaning towards stim dealer)

I agree that Legwork might not be the way to go. I just like it as a surprise play especially if click/window to grap that crucial agenda is tight. Also great as an early play against an agenda flooded hand.

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Yes, those are all valid points about Legwork in general, and yet none of them are applicable to Legwork in the context of this particular deck :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, Special Order seems outright bad in a deck with just 2x Eater and 2x Crypsis. I’d rather have Diesel for that inf (and go triples on the breakers, maybe).

@mediohxcore’s list: cut down to 1 silverware each: they’re specialty cards and you have Parasites, Clone Chip, and Deja Vu to kill ice. Also 3 Same Olds… (-3)
1 Blackmail: good players will play around it, and you may not even want it at all. Also, 3 Same Olds… (-2)
2 Keyhole is enough: give up on the dream of Keyholing early unprotected R&D. Deckspace and 50 cards anyway. (-1)
Give up on Queen’s Gambits, deckspace (-2)
Cut down to 1 Wanton, deckspace, and it’s kind of big late game play anyway. (-1)
Cut a Datasucker (-1)

Some ideas:
Replace Spinal with Grimoire: Be nice to have the option to set up Keyhole with Eater, or start Parasucking Ice while Eater is still in play.
Replace Casts with Liberated: Need more potent econ, screw your clicks, and Siphon Tags
Cut a Same Old and replace it with an econ card or an Amped.


I disagree about this. It’s essentially Anarch Siphon/Legwork, the early-game pressure it offers is phenomenal. If they mulligan and fail to protect HQ sufficiently I’d be happy to spend my first turn Wantoning them. So it’s potentially good early – especially since forcing them to ice HQ more seriously means they’ll have a harder time icing everything else.

So long as you can get into HQ at all, it’s useful when you’re behind, in a last-ditch attempt to knock Agendas or combo pieces out of their hand.

If you’re winning, it helps stop them from getting the cards they need to stop you – especially if they’re just digging for a Jackson or some Ice.

If you’re about on even footing, it’s roughly a legwork that targets whatever cards they’ve been holding from turn to turn.

I can see the argument for cutting down on it, but I think you’re selling it short as an all-around powerhouse.


Once you spend the click and the credit to hostage, you might as well have played a worse economy card that you didn’t have to splash. The only exception I think is Oracle May, as those decks rely on her to a huge extent (she’s super powerful) and can do with some extra shitty copies. Hostage for Professional Contacts/Mr. Li/Kati Jones is a common one that has done well in tournaments, but I maintain that it’s a really bad idea. Unless you can get something that isn’t economy, like The Source, it just makes sense to play more copies of economy cards that cost less or no influence.


That makes sense; Wanton does really shine as a non-janky hand disrupter, much better than the Itinerant/Investigative combo. Two are probably worth keeping, especially since Wanton doesn’t synergize with Same Old.



^decklist and thinking behind it there.

If people are playing Wanton Destruction, Utopia Shard is a really good addition…

Play 3 inject god damnit.


[Edit: retracting this post because I can’t read details. I actually thought Eater was 4MU]

Can someone spell out how the Eater/Keyhole combo will work without significant memory support? In
Metalize’s list, he seems to ignore memory realities completely when describing the final rig. In Dan’s list, I’m assuming the idea is to clear a path to R&D with Ice destruction tools and then trash Eater and install Keyhole.

In Dan’s list, once that’s done and new Ice on R&D could be parasited away. It still seems reliant on pulling a lot of ice destruction pieces. Is the idea to pressure HQ first and get the corps to focus their ice installs there?

I ask all this because my first idea with Eater was Memstrips and Medium, not Keyhole.

I don’t see wherein the problem with that list lies, as far as MU is concerned? Keyhole and Eater is 3 MU, which leaves 2 MU for some combination of Parasite/Datasucker. Seems totally fine to me.

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Doh, I read it as 4 MU. It all makes sense now.

I don’t want to Inject unless I have key program components (Keyhole, Eater, Datasucker) already in hand or on board.
With that in mind, Inject is likely to be a dead card in opener / early game. I would really dislike seeing two Injects in my first 6-7 cards. I guess I could justify two Injects until Earthrise Hotel comes around, but 3? Doubt it.

This is the same twisted logic that makes people misunderstand how powerful Maxx really is. You’re just as likely to mill your programs as you are to flip anything else and dig to your programs. It’s not like criminal, where you can potentially mill a tutor target that you’re only playing one of, (if you are playing tutors, inject is far more likely to hit a tutor and help. Clone chip is great in Anarch because of Parasite anyway, and now you’re going to have influence-free steelskin and earthrise hotel as cards that inject can flip for you that digs you to your programs. Inject is a really powerful card, ESPECIALLY in a deck that only plays a few programs, (and multiples of each). I think it’s auto-3-of in basically every current Anarch deck.


Right, couldn’t agree more.

If the programs you want are on the bottom of your stack, well, tough, you have to deal with it.
If the programs you want are on the bottom of your stack, and you know it, this is better since you can play around it.
If the programs you want are in your heap, this is even better since 1) you know it and 2) you have better recursion than stack tutoring in faction.

Inject is just win-win-win!


Maxx is a different beast. You build her with ID in mind. Valencia here does have necessary win condition in Keyhole, two copies, and the only way to recur it is clumsy Deja Vu.
Granted, the odds of Injecting a crucial Keyhole are rather low and even in that occurence you can still Deja it or draw a second copy, so you do have a point there.
However, Inject does compete with Steelskin and Earthrise. Does this deck need that additional drawing power? I honestly can’t answer that question yet. Can you?


Cards and economy matter more in Netrunner than almost anything else, especially to the runner. Running 9+ pieces of card draw is far from a bad idea in a 50 card deck, each one helps smooth variance and make you more likely to hit what you need when you need it. This is all the more true because there’s a disincentive to play Steelskin if you suspect a flatline coming from your opponent – it’s only straight-up card draw in games where you’re fairly sure the enemy isn’t trying to actively kill you.

I’d almost always prefer to have too many cards/credits than too few. Too much money is rarely issue, and “too much” card draw means you’ve probably yet to hit what you’re looking for – meaning the card draw has been insufficient so far.

Especially for a deck that wants to try and pull off combos of any variety, lots of cards to get those pieces into hand ASAP is vital.


My Take on Valencia. More I think about it the more I like sec testing in place of lucky find.

Eater Motel

Valencia Estevez: The Angel of Cayambe (Order and Chaos)

Event (20)
3x Blackmail (Fear and Loathing)
3x Dirty Laundry (Creation and Control)
2x Lucky Find (Double Time)[color=#708090] ••••[/color]
3x Steelskin (Order and Chaos)
3x Stimhack (Core Set)
3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
3x Wanton Destruction (Order and Chaos)

Hardware (8)
3x Cyberfeeder (Core Set)
3x Desperado (Core Set)[color=#4169E1] ••••• ••••[/color]
2x MemStrips (Order and Chaos)

Resource (8)
3x Earthrise Hotel (The Source)
1x Hades Shard (First Contact)[color=#708090] •[/color]
2x John Masanori (Opening Moves)
2x Liberated Account (Trace Amount)

Icebreaker (5)
2x Crypsis (Core Set)
3x Eater (Order and Chaos)

Program (11)
3x Datasucker (Core Set)
3x Keyhole (True Colors)
2x Medium (Core Set)
3x Parasite (Core Set)

14 influence spent (max 15)
52 cards (min 50)
Cards up to Order and Chaos

Decklist published on NetrunnerDB.

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Looks pretty similar to the build I’ve been thinking of. I would lose Medium and look at Haemorrhage instead. I’d also think about Spooned to remove Lotus Fields. Finally I’m thinking Security Testing rather than Lucky Find (and probably lose one of the Desperados as well, although that’s a tough call in a 50 card deck).

Not sure that its such a problem to break for 3 with eater.