What do you think about the corp's deckbuilding today and in the future?

I completely agree! But those same people can’t do that for every archetype that exists. I think there are a lot of deck ideas out there that haven’t been fully fleshed out, if people are interested in developing something new.


Yeah, I forgot False Lead used to be a thing. Man, that was such a long time ago. I really hope a good Argus build pops up again because it’s an insane card there.

(Also, I don’t know why I missed Chronos Project on my list, that’s a big one!)

You can see this with many archetypes: Some dude develops a deck, wins with it and then, when he moves to play something else one or two months down the road, there’s no more development because nobody else tried.


I don’t think there are LOTS of peeps that have the luxury of a diverse meta, enough time (even online, which is random) to replay against bad match-ups and a good enough deckbuilding capacity to create something really interesting and new. In those instances it’s fun to try, but generally it’ll be weaker than it could be.

And when you do get something online, unless you’ve won a regionals, group think smack talks your build so hard you don’t even wanna play it afterwards.


That works both ways, though. There are also plenty of folks with good, innovative decks that just don’t bother posting about them online.


[quote=“Badeesh, post:64, topic:4632, full:true”]
I don’t think there are LOTS of peeps that have the luxury of a diverse meta, enough time (even online, which is random) to replay against bad match-ups and a good enough deckbuilding capacity to create something really interesting and new. In those instances it’s fun to try, but generally it’ll be weaker than it could be.

And when you do get something online, unless you’ve won a regionals, group think smack talks your build so hard you don’t even wanna play it afterwards.
[/quote]One of the big issues here. I looove deckbuilding, but my meta is small and mostly janky. We’ve got a few good players, but there’s just not enough of us to get the variety needed. Even if we build a playtest gauntlet, we’re not all familiar enough with the various good decks to play them well enough that it really pushes new decks to the limit. That makes gauntlet runs slow/tricky… and since at least half of us really enjoy brewing decks, well… time becomes an issue.

Or who aren’t good enough players, outside of deckbuilding, to win enough events to draw attention to their deck/make the final two or three changes needed to next-level it.

(Yeah, I’m boasting a bit and being salty about that poor Whizzard deck I made post-H&P that won pretty consistently unless I made a major (and predictable) play error, which I did (and do) not infrequently. Not actually mad, just sad because it deserved better than a scrub like me.)

I feel similarly with what i’m working on right now - had it not been for some really basic play errors it could easily have gone 4 - 1 in my last tournament rather than 2 - 3.

Like advancing a Curtain wall in your remote instead of a PrioReq ?




Calimsha is clearly the big problem here. His dam Kate deck is too good and now he lord’s it over us XD

Teasing. To be absolutely certain on forum of increasingly super PC netrunner.

Almost that bad - 6 loaded medium, and I decide to run archives on click 4 to force jackson ~after running on R&D that turn, instead of obviously forcing jackson before to get more fresh accesses.