"Will there be anything else sir?" the Jeeves Thread

My current build ( testing this weekend )

I expect that Lateral Growth will replace at least the SFMM, but lots of tuning is needed.


Holy SHIT, cyberdex trial might finally be usefull lol.


Thank you. I wasn’t counting on scoring the GFI, actually. More of a space saver, with the odd possibility of scoring them out occasionally.

beeves (A)dvanced (R)esource (V)elocity (I)mprovement (S)ystem[/b]

Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future (Core Set)

Agenda (9)
2x Accelerated Beta Test (Core Set)
2x Efficiency Committee (Creation and Control)
2x Global Food Initiative (Data and Destiny) [color=#708090]β€’β€’[/color]
3x Project Vitruvius (Cyber Exodus)

Asset (6)
3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) [color=#FF8C00]β€’β€’β€’[/color]
3x Jeeves Model Bioroids (Salsette Island)

Operation (20)
3x Biotic Labor (Core Set)
2x Blue Level Clearance (Fear and Loathing)
2x Cyberdex Trial (Opening Moves)
1x Fast Track (Honor and Profit)
3x Green Level Clearance (A Study in Static)
3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
1x Reclamation Order (Double Time)
3x Shipment from SanSan (Second Thoughts) [color=#FF8C00]β€’β€’β€’[/color]
2x Subliminal Messaging (Fear and Loathing)

Barrier (5)
3x Eli 1.0 (Future Proof) [color=#8A2BE2]β˜†β˜†β˜†[/color]
2x Wraparound (Fear and Loathing) [color=#FF8C00]β€’β€’[/color]

Code Gate (4)
1x IQ (First Contact)
3x Turing (Breaker Bay)

Sentry (5)
2x Architect (Up and Over) [color=#8A2BE2]β˜†β˜†[/color]
3x Ichi 1.0 (Core Set)
10 influence spent (max 15-5β˜†=10)
20 agenda points (between 20 and 21)
49 cards (min 45)
Cards up to Salsette Island

Deck built on NetrunnerDB.

Thanks @spags for the ice suite


A lot of these decks look very similar to CI combo decks. Does it make any sense to try it out of CI and use the potential of a shutdown combo (for the last 3 points) to close out the game? Lateral Growth in particular seems to make it possible to score a FA agenda without taking a huge hit on credits.


This is the best deck name I’ve seen in a while. Well done sir.




new archetypes make me happy, I am just constantly editing this list over and over I have like 10 versions.


its not new, its HB FA - which has already won a world championship.
this just uses robo-butler instead of sansan, which seems like a strict upgrade to me, even if sansan was influence free, given you can use it for straight up HAAS efficiency on non-scoring turns


You can also fast track, biotic, and subliminal to score a 3/2 out of the deck as well. Just did that in testing, feels pretty great.


the FA scoring flexibility of this deck is nuts

You can replace the subliminal with a SfMM or Lateral Growth in this combo. I keep updating my version with new ways to FA as people think of them.

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Fast Track
Install 3/2

Score from deck for only 3cr in ETF (4cr if not ETF or no Subliminal). You gotta get all the cards though. :wink:

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Does anyone think comboing Jeeves with Mandatory Upgrades and Media Blitz is a good idea? I made a list that seems like it could work pretty well. I’ve only played one game so far and it was a slaughter. I think anything that doesn’t run clot lock just doesn’t seem to have a chance. These decks are so fast.

Ask Jeeves

Haas-Bioroid: Engineering the Future
49 cards
Influence: 14/14 ●​●​●​●​●​●​●​●​●​●​●​●​●​●​○​

Agenda (9)
2 Accelerated Beta Test
2 Global Food Initiative ●​●​
2 Mandatory Upgrades
3 Project Vitruvius
Asset (8)
3 Jackson Howard ●​●​●​
3 Jeeves Model Bioroids
2 Team Sponsorship
ICE (10)
1 Architect ○​
2 Cobra
2 Ichi 1.0
2 Quandary
3 Turing
Operation (19)
2 Archived Memories
1 Biotic Labor
3 Green Level Clearance
3 Hedge Fund
2 Media Blitz ●​●​●​●​●​●​
3 Restructure
3 Shipment from SanSan ●​●​●​
2 Subliminal Messaging
Upgrade (3)
3 Cyberdex Virus Suite


Runners now well and properly forked between turbobutlers, movies that blow up constantly, and deathgrinders :slight_smile:


I think it could be, I am trying to focus on lowest cost FA, but that could certainly work.

It’s not too difficult to set up situations with eff. comm. where you have 3 spare clicks to just hard purge, as well.

In other words, for three times a game, a scored Eff. Comm. means you can purge for only 1 Click…which is almost like having a Cyberdex Trial at the ready all the time. (Use EC’s ability once, purge, gain click, two clicks remaining.)

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Still need to score that Eff Comm. I prefer the ease of scoring 3/2s. Also, finding Fast Track to be extraneous. There’s so much draw; I’d rather have Creds/ICE.

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Question from the slack: How much does siphon hurt and how do you defend yourself?