Check out the old deck at it’s original thread
My first iteration of this deck for order and chaos. Eater completely changes the game for anarch, and I think it really fits well here. Keyhole and wanton destruction provide extreme central pressure, while the Silverware, singularities, and ID ability Keep Remotes under pressure. This package has another big advantage: it costs zero influence. The surplus was spent on test run, quality time, and Hades shard for more reliability, as well as a scoring option should archives become too well defended.
The Econ and draw package are essentially the same, with the addition of Day Job and I’ve Had Worse. Both are powerhouse cards that make this already rich, fast-moving deck even quicker.
Gravedigger was a suggestion from a leaguemate that has become a new favorite of mine. It pairs extremely well with whizzard, who wants to stay on top of remotes, as well as the silverware events and singularity. Even against whizzard’s most hated enemy, the no-remote deck, you will still get a few gravedigger triggers each game.
Try it out, let me know what you think! So far testing has been really good, but it’s hard to say how things will shake out once the surprise factor wears off on the new cards.
Event (39)
2x Amped Up
3x Day Job
3x Déjà Vu
2x Forked
1x Hostage ••
2x I’ve Had Worse
3x Inject
2x Knifed
1x Levy AR Lab Access •••
2x Power Nap ••••
1x Quality Time •
3x Queen’s Gambit
2x Retrieval Run
3x Singularity
2x Spooned
3x Sure Gamble
1x Test Run •••
3x Wanton Destruction
Resource (3)
1x Duggar’s
1x Hades Shard •
1x Oracle May •
Icebreaker (1)
1x Eater
Program (2)
1x Gravedigger
1x Keyhole
also on NRDB