Hello there. This is a thread for my podcast (2.1) and its associated game group, both of which use the Netrunner Reboot Project. However, since I’m following the LCG-style format for my personal playgroup – where we start with the core set and add in expansions slowly – the podcast rewinds all the way to the beginning of Android: Netrunner.
I’m not doing a full read of the cards in the core box or anything quite that basic, but it is very much aimed at newer players, while not trying to overwhelm them with new information, as I try to improve in my own ability to play the game.
There are several small segments rotating through the episodes about things like tips for improving gameplay, card interactions, and the various systems interplaying within the game; these segments should have a strong overlap with anybody playing the original Android: Netrunner core set, while also having a strong correlation in principle to someone only familiar with Null Signal Games’ product.
Meanwhile, the back part of an episode will frequently be devoted to more Reboot-specific information; early episodes detail the adjustments that have been made to the core set, for example.
Finally, since I’ve always been a fan of the fluff/flavor in the FFG materials, an epilogue often contain a straight read of some of the included fiction or other sources about the Android universe.
I’m limited in my ability to post links, but the podcast can be found on Spotify, Apple, and Google. Here is the direct RSS feed: 2.1: A Netrunner Reboot Project Podcast
The best place to get in on random games is in the Reboot Project Discord server (which is linked from the Reboot Project home page). That is also where you can go to ask specific questions to people who are far more qualified to answer than I am (though, of course, I am happy to try).
However, there is currently one scheduled game night for the affiliated 2.1 game group:
Thursdays from 7:30pm - 9:30pm (EDT)
And another time that we can be available with a little notice:
Sundays from 2:00pm - 4:00pm (EDT)
At those times, there will be people around in the special Reboot Project version of JNET (Reteki.fun), whereas at other times, the best way to find a game is to post in the Discord server’s “looking for game” channel (#lfg).
The 2.1 game group is an LCG-style group, which means that we have started with the core set only and are adding in expansion content in a slow and steady stream. As of January 1st, 2025, we have added in up to the last Data Pack of the Lunar Cycle, The Source; we are currently on a monthly “release” schedule.
If that seems like too slow a pace for you, there is another LCG-style league which is adding in an entire deluxe expansion or cycle per round. You can find that league on the Discord server in the “lcg-style-league” channel. There are also two other leagues, “constructed” uses the entire card pool; “preconstructed” also uses the whole pool, but you only use one of the prebuilt decks available to everyone on Reteki.
Feel free to comment to ask questions, if you like. Otherwise I will mainly just be posting in this thread to announce new episodes of the podcast and the monthly changes to the legal 2.1 cardpool, so subscribe to it if you’d just like to lurk or join at some future time.